Chapter 30

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"This is unacceptable. No more of this nonsense. Understood?" My dad groaned disgusted as he set Amanda and I's letters on fire.

"Yes sir."

"I don't want you speaking to that filthy Potter again," my dad mumbled. I paced slowly playing with my fingers behind my back.

"Why not?" i asked. My dad immediately stood up and slapped me hard. I wrinkled my eyebrows and clenched my jaw in pain, looking at my father angrily.

"Don't question me boy! You just do as i say! AND CHANGE THAT FACE," he growled. I looked down and nodded slowly.

"So you must not speak to her! Say you would make both Potters' life impossible! Promise me!" he barked eyeing me.

"I promise," i mumbled.

"Louder!!" he yelled.

"I promise!" i said loudly looking at him sternly.

His slowly sat back down as he said, "Leave my presence."

"Yes father."

*Amanda *

I'm worried. Why aren't you writing back? Is everything ok?


Draco ,
It's been three weeks since you've written me back.. Please talk to me. Im worried.. Are you sick or your father? PLEASE ANSWER


Draco. I miss you. It's been half the summer. I need to hear from you.


I'm gonna stop writing after this. I don't wanna be a bother or seem obsessed. Ill drop everything if you need me to. See you around school i guess. Goodbye.

I sealed the envelope and gave it to my owl.

"Malfoys." The owl leaped out the window flying out into the night. I sighed deeply and hugged my knees. Draco and i were fine. We were writing every day. But he stopped after three weeks. Harry doesn't know of course. I guess he doesnt want nothing to do with me anymore. He doesn't even bother to tell me why. I lost not only Cedric... but now Draco.. I'm done.


Beginning of their fifth year!

Excited to share this book with you guys!


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