>>>Daniel's First Stand<<<

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Jace's POV:

Now that I go to mundane school with Clary , I can spend more time with her. They have out me in something called a Junior, or eleventh grader. What the hell? Technically I can't see Clary all the time, but we have three classes together. That idiot Daniel is in all but one of my classes.

That night that I met him, I can't stop hating him. He is annoying, and a cling on. He acts like a mundane. He tries to be charming. He brings up Juliet something- that idiot! I want to some a seraph blade so far up his a--

"Jace." A girl says my name. Not Clary.


"Hi, Veronica." Veronica is a girl in two of my classes. She acts like Isabelle when she wanted to seduce guys. I'm with Clary, and this girl actually thinks she has a chance with this hot stuff. No. She's annoying because she will tape herself to me in class, I want to stab my head with glass something because of her.

"I was wondering if you are busy tonight."

"I'm going on a date with Clary."

Just saying Clary's name seems to annoy this girl. Good. She should respect and know that I am committed to Clary 100%. I wish that this mundane school was over, I want to be with Clary. I don't want her to leave my side.maybe if she grew up in the Shadowhunter world she would think differently of everything. Maybe we could be together forever.

Veronica was talking, but noticed I wasn't paying attention so she tried to walk away making sure I noticed. She was movie her hips, to other guys they would stare. To me she looked like she was trying to walk off a wedgie.

"So Veronica?" The idiot.

"What about her. She tries to hard. It's sad."

"I saw you looking at her walking away," Daniel say matter of fact," wouldn't want Clary to see you do this to other girls like you did to Juliet.

" Listen here your filthy shit, I love Clary and keep your girlfriend away from us." Daniel is a pain, by the angel someone kill him.

"She's not my girlfriend."

"She doesn't leave you alone."

"She's not over you jackass!"

Not a surprise there.

"Well tell her to. I'm with Clary, I love Clary! I don't love Juliet, I never did!"

And with that Daniel punched me. "Your gonna regret breaking her heart you piece of shit! " Daniel yelled. Then he left.

" what was that?" Clary asked, startling me.

"He is saying that girls aren't over me. No surprise there."

"Not everyone finds you irresistible."

"Clary, I only fear that you will leave me." The thought of that does send a twinge of fear through my body.

"That will never happen."

"How can you be so sure?"

"I just am." She reassures me. I hope it is all true. Hoping one day for a life with her by my side, in a house, happy.

Daniel's POV:

Jace Lightwood. That bastard. He broke Juliet's heart, he's cocky, he's annoying. This shadowhunter is not great, this shadowhunter has an ego. He thinks he has everything. Jar Lightwood has the whole school looking at him like he's the king here.

If Jace can lose being king, that will satisfy me, and Juliet. The idea pops into my head after two seconds. I can't wait for tomorrow night. First plan. Then set it in motion. Then Jace breaks. I'm a super genius.

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