Watch Who You Trust .

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I just got done with a mark , I needed to get home because I had Pee waiting one me , I was taking her out . She's been nothing short of perfect over the past few weeks , she showed me that love at first sight  did exist .


The Jamaicans were gathered on both sides of the dark street , laid back waiting on their target . They didn't know why she wanted him dead , they didn't care either . They already got paid .

Jo'Vier turned  the corner unaware of the danger ahead . He always rotated his drive home , never the same road nightly .

An army of hooded figures lined up across the street opening fire , he didn't panic , stepping on the gas he sped up driving through the figures who were still firing at him .
They sprayed the car with shots , but that didn't stop him from driving until he became familiar with the surroundings . He had to let Paris know he wasn't standing her up , that something came up .


Putting on my false lashes I stood up from the vanity . Jo'Vier was known to be extra early , he was late today . As if on cue my phone rang .

"Hey baby , why you taking so long ? I sang into the phone .

"Paris , I ..can't breathe ... I .... " he stammered .

I took the phone away from my ear , what the fuck ..

The line went dead .

Something was wrong , he didn't  sound like his self .

I got up going to the cam room , we had cameras installed all over the city .

For safety purposes and to always be one step ahead .

Tracing his phone , I clicked on the address , bringing it up on the satellite ... Why was his car just sitting there .

Running to Torri's room I yell for her .

She was with Sam whispering about the robbery I already knew they had planned .

"Tee , I need you to come with me , Sam I need you to watch the cameras for downtown , make sure the signal doesn't drop ."

"We got shit to do " Sam said .

"Yall  little robbery on the Don can wait . " I said rolling my eyes .

They looked at each other .

"Yes mam " they said in unison .


Nervous wasn't the word for how I was feeling .

Why did I do it ? I questioned myself . My phone dinged letting me know I had a text .

Unregistered Number :  Its done , he's not dead like you asked ; but in bad shape . We expect our money by the am .

I re-read the text .

Let's see how long you'll stay alive without me ....

No one was going to rescue him , they'll just think he's gone ghost , like he always does .

That's when I come in , he'll feel all alone and that's when I'll swoop in ..

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