Chapter 4

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fuck it's only Wednesday school sucks. I sat for hours in this stupid automotive class learning how to replace brakes and rotors why did I even sign up for this medical is where the money at, but regardless it'll keep my old man quiet. After class was over I wondered around campus admiring all the beautiful ladies and their slutty clothes.

"Oh how I love no dress code." I smirked sitting down at a near by bench.

"HEY!" I heard a female yell and immediately after I was slapped in the face. Of course it was that Brittany girl.

"What the fuck chris! why did you sign me up for your club!?" She was pissed which was kinda amusing to me.

"Well the other day you seemed perfect for it." She blushed.

"And anyway don't you need it to pass your freshman experience class." She looked shocked that I knew that. She nodded hesitantly.

"So calm down nothings going to happen to you....well unless you want it to. " I smirked her face turned completely red. I pulled her to my lap and kissed her neck I could feel her body getting hot and her heart race.

"Someone's got a crush." I whispered in her ear nibbling it a little she jumped up and looked at me angry, but also embarrassed. She quickly left without another word.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I yelled and then chuckled my friend justin came and sat by me.

"Are you having fun?"

"Lots, but I can tell by your face somethings wrong. Am I about to be lectured?"

"Listen Chris just because you're a sex demon doesn't mean you can get everybody." What it means exactly that.

"That girl is the top of the class she's not just gonna let her guard down for you."

"So you're saying I can't get her."

"I am saying that she's way out of your league so you might as well give up now while your ahead." I smirked at his comment. I love a challenge.

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