The Babysitter Chapter 1.

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Its a sunday morning. I wake up to the sound of my buzzing alarm clock. When I make my way up from the bed a groan escaped my lips. Suddenly I become very aware of the masculine voice calling my name.
"Aria! ARIA! You know your going to be late! You know what, why do I even bother.. Later!
My little brother Mike calls just before the front door slams shut.
"Fuck.. Fuck fuck fuck!" I mutter to myself as I remember my job interview.
"I am so fired" I continue, talking to myself.
Wtf Aria you stupid ass, you have'nt even got the job yet and you probably never will considering you are like what fourty minutes late already, a voice at the back of my head tells me.
I put on a black mini skirt and a black sweater and hurry down the stairs to pour myself some oats.
I quickly apply another layer of mascara and step out of my car. I take in the view before me, a big white house, before walking up the stairs that leads to the front door.
At the door I am greeted by a tall brunette.
"So you must be Aria?" The brunette says with distaste as her eyes roam my body.
"Yea..Uh.. Uhuh.., thats me.. Im so sorry.., I-I promise Im not late all the time, I just had some sleeping issues and.." The brunette cuts me off.
"Mhm, come in"

"Sorry, I am Jackie"
"Jackie" I say as if to taste the word. And I must say it tastes disgusting.
"But that would be Miss Molina to you" she continues with a smirk on her face.

"Duty calls, you can let yourself out" Jackie says as the front door closes behind her.
I can hear someone laugh behind me as I quickly throw my coat on, ready to leave (and finish the nap that I so obviously could'nt finish this morning).
As I turn around I see the most beautiful man alive standing before me.
He has baby blue eyes, brown curly hair, the most amazing cheekbones and one hell of a fit body. As I get lost in my thoughts of what he could do to me, to my body, I quickly snap out of them when I realize that his lips are moving.
".... guessing she scared you off, hahah yea she can be a.. handfull sometimes"
A "mhm" is all I can manage as I stare at my feet, praying he is'nt some kind of mind reader.
Aria that is fucking ridiculous! Nobody can read minds, its a scientific fact! The voice tells me again. God can it just shut up.
He is probably used to it anyways.
"Aria? Are you ok?"
"Yea, Im fine" except for the fact  that I am having sexual thoughts of my boss husband, absolutley perfect. But I didnt go there.
"Ok.. you sure? Oh before I forget, If you would come by tomorrow with your principals signature the job is as good as yours. Do you want to stay for lunch? Toby and I would love the company, wouldnt we tobes?"
"Mhm. Thank you Mr. Molina, that would be nice. And um, I think he is asleep" I answer as I bite my bottom lip.
"Oh. Of course he is. You can call me Ezra. And its Fitz, we are'nt married yet" Ezra says, as if he was implying something.

Ezra was now standing by the stove, making some pasta. God he looks hot. He throws a towel over his shoulder and flashes me a smile. God, his smile. I wouldnt mind watching him cook on one of those lame tv shows. Maybe he could give them a better rep. I snap myself out of my thoughts (again) and flash him a seductive smile back. Surprisingly, he returns it by winking at me. Well, while we are at it I might as well have some fun, I thought to myself.

Right now I find myself on the kitchen counter as Ezra is planting soft kisses along my neck. I wrap my legs around him, which brings my skirt to inch up further than it already has. Ezra has a firm grip on my ass as he leads us to the couch. Within seconds we have started a hot and heavy makeout session. Whilst I grind my hips on his growing erection his hands trail up my tiny waist, bringing my sweater with him. We both sit on the couch, shirtless, breathing heavily and unsteady. As I start grinding on Ezra again he grabs my thighs to stop my movements, which causes me to gasp. This is it. This is the part when he says he cant do this to his precious Jackie and that he can't risk losing her to some desperate teenage girl. Blah. My ass. Instead he lifts me up and slams me to the wall, pushing three fingers inside of me as he pins my hands up in the air causing me to moan.. "EZRA"



 I now stand outside Jackie and Ezras house with a big envelope in my hand, I smirk for myself as I stare at it. Today I am wearing a blue miniskirt with a green top to go with it. I am not greeted by Jackie at the door, this time it is Ezra who stands before me. I grin internally when I think of what we did yesterday. It wasnt sex or anything, but I havent lost hope. 

I slap his chest teasingly as I step inside. I take a seat on the couch next to Jackie and Toby and cross my legs as I watch Ezra open the envelope. When Ezras eyes widen I smirk for myself and uncross my legs slowly, not wanting to draw any unwanted attention to myself. My skirt is just the right length to give Ezra a little peek of what can be his. As he catches on to my actions his eyes turn dark with lust. As soon as Jackie jumps up from the couch I cross my legs again.

"Duty calls" she shouts from the hall whilst carrying a sleepy Toby on her hip. Now why do I get a déjá vu feeling? 

"Gonna take Toby out for a walk, be back in a couple of hours ok hun? ok, ill be going then" I smirk at Ezra and press my thighs tightly against each other, Blocking the view that Ezra was obviously so fond of. "Now.. he starts, and grabs a red lacy piece of fabric from the envelope ...what exactly is this?"   "that Mr Fitz would be my thong... Do you want to see?" I stand up and lean forward so my mouth is just below his ear. "All you have to do is ask"



I am standing outside Spencers house banging on the door like a freak ordering her to open the door.

"SPENCE! I swear to you.."

"You swear to me what? What are you gonna do?"

"JUST.. Open the fucking door! Youre gonna want to hear this!"

I hear the door unlock and the the next second it flies open. Spencer gives me a long glare before speaking up. "This better be good"

"I feel so good and so bad at the same time.. Spence, I fucked someone"

"So? its not like your parents can do something about it if they dont even know?"

"No, Spence you obviously dont get it" I say with a deep sigh

"Hell yeah I do!"

"No Spencer.. You don't. I fucked my boss."

"Wait. Backup. I thought you were applying for a babysitting position. What is this place? Aria they didnt make you do anything right?

"Well, depending on how you see it, it is my boss husband. Anyways, You really dont get it do you? I say, trying to hold back a laugh. "And there.. it clicks" I continue as Spencers eyes widen and her mouth drops agape.

When Spencer dosent say anything I fold. "I AM A TERRIBLE PERSON OKAY? I KNOW, HE HAS A FIANCÉ AND A SON! But he is so smart and funny and.. not to mention sexy as hell.." 


"Spence? Who are you calling? If that is Toby.."

Who is Spencer calling? (just to be clear there are two toys, toby ezras son and toby Spencers boyfriend) Find out in the next chapter! I know this isnt really the best fanfiction ever but this is my first time writing a fan fiction so for the first time I dont really think it was that bad. I apolagize if the end was a little rushed :-)

I do not own pll etc..

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2016 ⏰

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