Chapter Two

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Jumin and Zen sat in the limousine in front of each other.
"You can drink or eat whatever you like", Jumin said and pointed on the caviar and champine.

"N-No thank you." Zen said, lowering his head, all stiff. Why am I so nervous?

Is he nervous? Thought Jumin. He looked out of the window. Is he worried about buying the suitable camera? One that can fully capture Elizabeth 3rd's beauty?

Why did I take him anyways? I know plenty of people that can help me choose....
Well, said another voice in his head, you didn't want him to go....
Yes.... Jumin agreed with himself and blushed.

"Jumin...?" Zen said and got up of his seat to set next to Jumin, getting closer. "Your face are red.... Are you okay?"
"I.... I'm fine. Thank you very much."
"Oh...", Zen breathed in relief and smiled.

"We're here." The driver said. He got out of the car and opened the door for them.
"Thank you. Arrive here again in an hour, please."
"Certianly." Said the driver and retreated.
"An hour? Do you it'll take that long to buy a camera?"

Jumin didn't answear for a few moments. "I don't know much about waiting in line or shopping.... when my Father dates a new woman he always says that she is in the mall for hours, usually more then three. I figured it was because of the wait in lines or something."

"Yeah but...", Zen started to explain. "Never mind.... let's go inside and look for a Technology Store."
"Okay.", Jumin said and followed Zen.


"I... I sense it!", Seven said dramatically.
"What is it, Seven!", MC exclaimed.
"It's... It's my gay radar! It's itching!"
"Oh my godd!", MC faked shock.
"Yoosung... what did you find in Seven exactly? I'm really interested." Jaehee said, sighing.
"Well... he's cute at times... you won't understand...." He blushed and looked at Seven.
Seven was still fooling around with MC. He then noticed that Yoosung is staring at him. He smiled while meeting his eyes.
Yoosung flinced as Seven winked and sent him a kiss.
Yoosung fell back from his chair, redder then a tomato. "Are you okay, Yoosung?!" Jaehee asked, concerned. "He always defeats me...." he said, feeling dizzy.


What is it?! A bigger part to Yoosung and Seven?! Well, I was thinking about writing a sequel about them....
Maybe it'll happen after I finish this one (;
I saw how many people read this book so far and was so happy that I finished a whole chapter in mintues yesterday.... ^^;
And today I edited it sooo here you go!
Thank you for reading! ❤
See you next time! ><


~Magical Lolipop~

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