Chapter 10

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-mingyu's pov-

While we were at the street stall, Wonwoo hyung and Sangmi were in their own lovey-dovey world, laughing out really loudly. I mean being a person who's kind of quiet, I'd like to have some peacefulness while I eat. I glared at them, and looked at the rest. Well, they couldn't be bothered by them, since the rest are having fun too. I guess I'm the only one. 

I turned back to Sangmi and Wonwoo hyung, then rolled my eyes at them. I just feel very irritated at the fact that they are together. Then suddenly, they started pointing at me, so I decided to look away. After a few seconds, I hear footsteps coming towards me. 

Then someone sat next to me, making me turn to that person. At first I thought that it was Wonwoo hyung and Sangmi, but it turns out to be Eunji instead. I sighed in relief. "Why are you alone?" Eunji asked, I shrugged. Then I looked over to Wonwoo hyung's direction. Eunji turned back and saw them too. "You're jealous?" She asked and I nodded. "So you like Sangmi?" Unknowingly, I nodded. 

"If I have to be honest with you, I think Wonwoo oppa is winning." Eunji said and I frowned. "What do you mean?" I asked in annoyance. "I mean you're just sitting here and staring at them. You're not even doing anything to win her heart." She replied. Then I turn back to Eunji. "I don't get what you're trying to say. Why should I try to win her heart?" I asked. "Because you like her?" She replied, making me frown.

 "When did I say that?" I asked. "Just now?" She said and I shook my head. "I mean I wouldn't like a girl who is so flirty and disgusting." I raised my voice, looking at them, making sure that they heard what I said. And sure enough, they heard. So they looked at me. "Who are you talking about?" Yerin asked. And I looked at Sangmi. 

"Yah-" Sangmi stood up, about to say something when Wonwoo hyung grabbed her wrist. I felt a pang in my chest when I saw that, but I decided to ignore it, since I have came to this situation. "Mingyu. Apologize to her right now." Woozi hyung said coldly. "Why should I?" I frowned at the fact that Woozi hyung is helping her too. "I mean what you just described her as is hurtful." Vernon replied. 

I looked at Sangmi, who was looking away from me. "You know what I think? I think that she's shameless." I added on. "Yah Kim Mingyu!" Wonwoo hyung shouted. I looked at him. "What." I replied informally. He clutched his fist, and was about to come at me, when Sangmi held him back. I looked at Sangmi, and she was carrying her bag along with Wonwoo hyung's. "Sorry guys, but I'd like to go back to the dorms first." She faked a smile and ran off, while holding Wonwoo hyung's hand. 

I clenched my teeth together and bang on the table, making the rest to look at me. You think I'm gonna get away with this? Obviously not. So I went off, without excusing myself. I needed some alone time. But little did I know, someone was following me. 

-sangmi's pov- 




Do he really have to describe me with those words? I mean what did I do to deserve those words? Talking to boys? But I'm only talking to boys, nothing else. I just want to make friends. 

I wiped my tears away. "Sangmi.." A deep voice called me, and I knew that it was Wonwoo. I cleared my throat. "Yeah?" My voice croaked a little. "I'm saying sorry on his behalf, are you okay?" He asked me. I didn't say anything. I just nodded. I didn't want to talk about how I feel now, I didn't want to cry in public. He sighed. Then suddenly, I felt a grip on my wrist. "Let's go." Wonwoo said and began running. I had no choice, but to run along with him. 

He pulled me all the way to the dorm's rooftop.  We panted heavily as we fell to the ground. Both of us were catching our breath, from the running. After a while, he started the talking. "Just let it all out here." He said with his deep voice, making my heart beat faster. Well, I mean I felt better after the running, so I didn't really want to talk about what just happened, so I tried to change the topic. 

That Arrogant Guy (Seventeen Mingyu FF)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora