Roc Royal Special Part 8: You Know You Like Me!

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                                                        (IN THE GIRLS RESTROOM)

·         Leslie: Quit lying Mel! Where did you get that from?

·         Melody: Umm… okay fine. Prodigy gave it to me. I didn’t want to take it but he insisted. I mean come on look at this necklace! It’s beautiful plus I just can’t say no to him. He’s so cute. (Giggles and stares in space)

·         Leslie: Snap out of it! You need to stop messing around! I can’t believe you!

·         Melody: I’m not messing around though. Me and Prodigy are just friends. Really good friends. It’s not like we go on dates and make out and stuff. We dance with each other and hang out for fun. You can’t judge me anyway Ms. I-Don’t-Wanna-Let-Him-Get-It-That-Easy-Then-Freak-Out-When-He-Finds-Someone-Else!


·         Melody: YOU TELL ME! YOU STARTED IT!!

·         Leslie: WELL, I’M GONNA FINISH IT!!! I mean… Let’s stop fighting. We both know that we are wrong for messing with these boys.

·         Melody: Well, I still say I’m not messing around.

·         Leslie: Whatever Melody. You’re still gonna have to give that necklace back.

·         Melody: Do I?

·         Leslie: Yes. No matter how much I don’t like Travis. This just isn’t right.

·         Melody: Can I please keep it? It’s more of a friendship necklace than a boyfriend necklace. Please. Look at it. This is a really cute necklace.

·         Leslie: No. Give it back. That’s the right thing to do.

·         Melody: Fine. (Rolls eyes then walks out of the bathroom back to the VIP section) Hey guys. What’s going on?

·         Prodigy: Where’s Leslie?

·         Melody: I think she’s… (Sees Leslie) Oh. There she is. Leslie! Come here.

·         Leslie: (Walks over to Melody) What? (Sees Roc) Oh. Hey Roc.

·         Roc Royal: Hello Leslie.

·         Ray-Ray: I think ya’ll need to talk. Let’s leave guys. Oh. By the way… where did Misty go?

·         Princeton: I think she said she went to get a drink.

·         Ray-Ray. Oh. Okay. Well, let’s leave. (They leave)

·         Leslie: I have nothing to say to you.

·         Roc Royal: Good me neither. (Looks at her then quickly turns away when he notices she’s looking back)

·         Leslie: (Looks at him but quickly turns away when she sees him looking back)

·         Roc Royal: Leslie?

·         Leslie: What?

·         Roc Royal: Why do you tease me like that?

·         Leslie: What do you mean?

·         Roc Royal: You know I like you. Why do you act like you don’t like me the way I like you?

·         Leslie: Who told you that I like you that way in the first place?

·         Roc Royal: Who doesn’t know you like me?!  I mean… everyone notices it.

·         Leslie: It’s called being friendly Roc.

·         Roc Royal: I see the way you smile every time you look at me. I see the way you look when I talk to another girl. Face it. You like me!

·         Leslie: Your eyes must be fooling you and you must be going crazy. Roc. Get this through your head… I DON’T LIKE YOU.

·         Roc Royal: Yes you do!

·         Leslie: No I don’t.

·         Roc Royal: Yes you do.

·         Leslie: How you goin to tell me about my feelings?! You live inside of me?

·         Roc Royal: No. But every time you walk away it’s like you take a piece of me.

·         Leslie: Well, I guess I’m gonna have another piece for my collection. Bye Roc. (Gets up)

·         Roc Royal: (Grabs her hand then pulls her back down) Leslie. Stop this.

·         Leslie: What do you mean?

·         Roc Royal: You like me. Admit it!

·         Leslie: Roc. Just let me go.

·         Roc Royal: Okay. I’ll let you go for now. But this isn’t over.

·         Leslie: (Slowly gets up then runs to Melody) Melody. I need to go home. Now!

·         Melody: What? Leslie. What’s wrong? Why?

·         Leslie: I just can’t do this. Roc is getting to me.

·         Melody: Why can’t you just tell him how you feel?

·         Leslie: I don’t want to get hurt. Look what he did to me tonight. He just hooked up with another girl when I left him to dance with Jacob.

·         Melody: That doesn’t mean anything. He still likes you. He only did that to make you jealous.

·         Leslie: I don’t care. I wanna go home.

·         Melody: Leslie. No. Stay. I mean Roc didn’t even cut his cake yet or anything.

·         Leslie: Fine. I’ll stay. Just promise me this.

·         Melody: Okay. What?

·         Leslie: Don’t leave me alone with Roc. (Starts to cry in Melody’s chest)

·         Melody: (Holds her) Leslie. Don’t cry. You’re gonna mess up your mascara. (Lifts Leslie’s head) Listen. You can’t run from your true feelings forever. They’re gonna explode sooner or later.

·         Leslie: Oh yeah? Well, watch me.

·         Melody: (Shakes head then sees Prodigy come up)

·         Leslie: (Looks at Melody then at Prodigy then back to Melody) You know what to do.

·         Melody: Yeah. Okay. (Walks over to Prodigy) Hey Prod. (Waves)

                                         *~SEE WHAT HAPPENS NEXT TIME~*

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