I forgot the ages of the kids so I'm just going to announce Zaniah as four, Zakari as one, ZJ as two, and Nyomi as three. If you recently read the last books and did the math, this is why the ages are probably wrong.
(2) Shot For Me
"Bitch I'm the man, Don't you forget it. The way you walk - that's me. The way you talk - that's me. The way you've got your hair up: did you forget that's me? And the voice in your speaker right now - that's me.
And the voice in your ear - that's me. Can't you see that I made it? Yeah I made it. First I made you who you are, then I made it. And you're wasted with your ladies. Yeah I'm the reason why you always getting faded. Take a shot for me, oh oh oh oh. Take a shot for me, oh oh oh oh." - Drake
Pleasure decided she was going to ignore Caesar until he reached out to her. It was easy because he hadn't called nor texted her all day but still, like always, she kept checking her phone as if would ring with a text or call.
It was five in the morning, and thanks to her hair dresser she had an appointment. She had scheduled spa appointment with Champy and Mariah for once she got off of work.
She grabbed her sunglasses, purse, and keys before locking the doors and going to her car.
"So what you wanna do with this?" Deena asked as she washed Pleasures hair.
"Something new." Pleasure sighed, she was sick of the black color, she wanted something that stood out.
"How about we dye it?" Deena asked, running her fingers through Pleasure's long hair.
"What color?" She asked as Deena pulled out two bottles of dye.
"Just sit back and relax."
Pleasure closed her eyes and waited for Deena to work her magic.
An hour later, mermaid blue's were in her hair. The top started off as a baby blue before going to a greenish-blueish color. She couldn't help but smile, she was ready to refresh herself today.
She grabbed her purse after paying Deena and walking out with a whole new demeanor. No one would mess up her day, not today, she wouldn't allow it. Especially not from Caesar.
As soon as Pleasure walked into the building she would be using for her photo-shoot, all attention went to her. Her make-up artist sat her down in her chair before looking at her hair with a smile.
"I like it." She said before wiping Pleasure's face clean of any make-up.
Ten minutes later, she directed Pleasured to the dressing room. Since she was young, Pleasure wanted to be a model. As soon as she tried it once for a clothes ad, she got many calls. It was her way of making money, and that she did.
She payed her own bills, bought her own car, own house, everything she had she worked hard to get. She earned it.
Heather undressed before slipping into the jean dress and pulling the crop top over her breast. She grabbed the jewelry that was set on her desk: one necklace that held together many gold chains, a gold bracelet, and her own watch. She slid on the gold ring her mother gave her before looking in the mirror and walking out.
She walked onto the white ground, before grabbing the white and gold heels her designer handed to her. She took a seat on the white couch they had set out before sliding her foot into the shoes.
"Alright, you ready?" the photographer asked as she adjusted her lights.
"Yeah." Pleasure nodded and stood up. She walked to the set where the photos were supposed to be taken. She readied herself and put her hand on her hip before smiling.
She heard the click as the camera took a picture and put both hands on her hips before poking her chest out a little.
"Big smile!" The photographer said and Pleasure made her grin wider.
Modeling wasn't as easy as it looked. It took hard work, patience, and dedication. It was frustrating, being told how to pose, smile, move her head, adjust her hair, it was annoying but she looked past that. One day, she hoped she would be doing something bigger, maybe starring in a runway for a BIG clothing line instead of being in a magazine for a clothing line nobody really knew about. Maybe one day she'd make the front page instead.
The camera clicked, "Good! Now let's do something with the couch."
Pleasure walked to the couch before laying on it. She put her head against the head rest and one heel on the other while the other did the same on the cushion and waited for the camera to click.
She stayed in the same position before arching her back and placing her hand on her hair.
The photographer continued to take pictures as she strikes many poses. Two men came in, both shirtless with the clothing lines pants on.
"Wooo!" Pleasure thought as they assumed their position behind and in front of her.
"Alright, let's make this look extra sexy." The photographer said and both men released a deep chuckle.
Pleasure stood sideways while the one in front of her grabbed her neck to look like he was about to kiss her while the one behind her grabbed her hips while biting his bottom lip and looking down at her ass.
Pleasure sighed, ready to be done with the position. The men were sexy but she felt uncomfortable with having a man other than Caesar touching her. She shook her head slightly and blocked him out her mind.
The camera clicked before the one behind her grabbed her hair and gently pulled her head back so it laid on his shoulder. The one in front of her put his hands on her sides while she closed her eyes. Making the picture seem like she was in ecstasy when it was the exact opposite.
"Alright, Pleasure we're done." the photographer spoke before Pleasure could walk off a hand grabbed her wrist.
"It was nice meeting you, Pleasure." The one that stood behind her said.
"You too, ...?" She replied with a small smile.
She smiled before walking to her dressing room and changing into her next outfit.
Pleasure walked in as Zaniah opened the door and closed it. "Hey, baby girl!" Pleasure said as she picked up a heavy four-year-old Zaniah.
"I like your hair." She spoke as they walked into the living room where the boys were. Zane on the couch with Zakari on his chest and ZJ on the carpet watching TV.
"Thank you, cutie."
"I'm done!" Champy shouted before walking downstairs and stopping in her tracks when she saw Pleasure, "P, what the hell did you do?"
Pleasure chuckled and sat Zaniah on her feet, "You like it?"
"Hell yes! Wait til Caesar see you...lawd!" Champy spoke before looking at her watch, "we gotta pick up Mariah."
Rocky ran into the living room, the big dog heading straight for Pleasure. Pleasure chuckled as she pat his head and rubbed over his fur while Champy shook her head.
A half an hour later, they were already at the spa.
"Girl, you better not be texting Rod." Pleasure spoke while turning her head to Mariah while they got their feet massaged.
Mariah had a big grin on her face along with a sparkle in her eyes that Pleasure knew as arousal.
Champy leaned over and read Rod's latest text, "Daddy know you want this d- OOH y'all nasty!"
Mariah chuckled and a slight blush started on her cheeks as her phone began to ring.
"Hello?" She whispered and both Pleasure and Champy chuckled as Mariah continued to speak in a low voice to who they knew was Rod.
"How about y'all sleep over at my place?" Pleasure suggested, she knew they would keep her mind off of Caesar, "and y'all can call up Skylar and Milan."
Champy looked to Mariah who was still on the phone before shaking her head and pulling out her phone.
It was crazy that these woman were almost in their thirties and Pleasure was in her early twenties and still they got along so easily. Knowing each other for only ten months and they considered each other family. When Champy spoke about it, she would always say they were all connected by a dramatic event that went on in their love life and sooner or later, Pleasure would have hers..
Caesar leaned his head back and let the thick smoke blow from his mouth. Him and Monie sat outside on his porch both letting off stress.
Monie flipped through the magazine he held on his lap before whispering a "Damn."
"What?" Caesar asked before he looked at the magazine. It was a picture of Pleasure. The camera was positioned above her while she laid on a creme colored bed in lingerie sat, her black hair laid all around her.
"The fuck is this?" he said, looking at how her body was on display. Her tummy along with her thighs were on display and the top of her breast that couldn't fit in her flooded bra.
He pulled his phone from his pocket before calling her.
It went straight to voicemail and her voice filled his ear.
"This is Pleasure Margery and at the time I'm not able to talk, leave your name and number and I'll call you back when I can."
He called her two more times and ending up in voicemail before sending her a message, "Answer yo fûckin phone"
He didn't know why but seeing her like that made him mad. Mad at the fact other people would see her body, mad that she was ignoring him - usually she'd call him already, and mad at the fact that she thought it was ok for her to wear some skimpy shít like that.
"If I met her before I met you and Mya, I would of been wifed Pleasure. If you ain't doing it you know somebody gone do it soon." Monie shrugged while still lingering his eyes over the page in the magazine and taking the mild from Caesar.
"Ain't nobody hitting that but me." Caesar said as he ripped the page out of the magazine before folding it up and putting it in his pocket.
"I ain't just talking bout sex. One day she gone get sick of yo ass and get a nigga that know what a relationship is."
Caesar sucked his teeth before standing up, "watch yo mouth." he walked inside the house and went straight to his closet, getting dressed to go see Pleasure.
Caesar had been in plenty relationships before he met Pleasure but they won't serious considering he was in middle school when he met Pleasure.
He saw how every nigga fell in love, got trapped with a baby he won't ready for and was sucked into marriage. He knew Pleasure won't like that but females that he thought won't like that, ended up to be just like that. He won't ready for marriage, he won't ready for a baby and he damn sure won't ready for a relationship. He knew him and Pleasure had more than sex, she was a down ass female. He could chill with her, laugh with her, talk about the deepest shit going on in his life, so he knew they were more than friends with benefits.
He just wasn't ready for a relationship. He liked the fact he could leave, spend the night, some whenever and not have to call her a girlfriend. She was more of a best friend.
Pleasure pulled her hair into a ponytail and took the shot Milan handed to her.
"Y'all got me missing out on some good dićk." Mariah started.
"We all are." Champy laughed.
"I'm lonely." Pleasure sighed as she downed the shot before picking up her third one, "it's like he only has time for me when he wanna get his dîck wet."
"Set him down, look straight into his eyes and ask him what the hell wrong with him. He gone break down under pressure." Skylar said.
"Or better yet, bring out a knife, set him down and look him in the eye with that knife in yo hand." Champy told her.
"I don't wanna sound like I'm being clingy but damn, he always put this drug shit first." Pleasure said as she went to her next shot.
"You strong, we all are. We all been through some shit that made all these men open they eyes." Mariah told her.
"I almost drowned by some crazy ass bítch." Skylar said.
"I lost my brother to ODing and had to shoot Zane lil groupy, I think that triggered my craziness." Champy said as she furrowed her eyebrows.
"Kidnapped and raped." Milan sighed, not wanting to say the whole story.
"Almost got shot by one of the men enemies." Mariah said before telling the other bits about Jas and Nyomi and Payton.
"You see, everything we went through made us and our men closer. They trust each other, we trust each other and we trust our men. Caesar'll open his eyes soon."
"I guess so." Pleasure said before she looked at the empty bottle of vodka, "damn."
Just then she heard the door open and Champy stood alert before Caesar walked into the kitchen.
"Why you ain't answering my calls?" He asked, looking straight at her ignoring the other women.
"Excuse me?" Champy spoke up, "we don't get a hey?"
"I said, why you ain't answering my calls?" Caesar asked once again.
"You mean you asked?" Pleasure giggled as she stood up, pushing Caesar back a little.
"What the fučk is this?" Caesar asked as he pulling out the page from the magazine.
"A picture."
"Aylin, don't fućking play with me." Caesar told her as he stood in front of her as she tried to walk out the kitchen.
"Don't call me that!" Pleasure shouted at him as tears welled in her eyes, "you know momma used to call me that."
"Stop walking alway from me." Caesar sighed as followed her upstairs into her bedroom.
"They gone end up fuçking." Champy said from downstairs and turned back to the girls.
"You don't care bout nobody but yo self." Pleasure told him in a calm tone as she looked through her dressers.
"The hell are you talking about?"
"You don't got time for nobody but yo self." She continued before she found what she was looking for, a brown wooden box filled with cigars. She opened it up before taking one out along with a lighter.
"Stop!" Caesar said grabbing her hands and letting the cigar and lighter drop to the floor, and grabbing her face between his hands "I love you."
She sighed, "I love you too."
but she really had to stop letting him have his way. This time, it was her turn to put business and herself first.

Pain, Pleasure, and Temptation #4
General FictionTwenty-two-year-old, Pleasure Aylin Margery was the most independent woman she knew other than her mama. Her mother played her father's job while Pleasure learned how dirty the world actually was. Not every man was a gentlemen, not every hoodlum was...