23 || Looking for Answers

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Your POV:

You watched from a distance as Newt led Thomas towards the Slammer; half obscured by the raggedy, unkept bushes which surrounded it.

You had not spoken to Newt recently and no opportunity had arisen as most of your time was occupied by fulfilling small tasks for the other Gladers, whether it is helping Fry in the kitchen or assisting the Builders, while you healed. Med-jacks orders. Minho had agreed, albeit reluctantly, to allow you to go back into the Maze in a few weeks, much to your relief.

Alby was recovering well, according to Jeff and Clint but they have not let anyone visit due to the events of the last time. Life in the Glade had changed somewhat since the arrival of the girl and the note. The Box had not gone back down since her arrival, causing some of the boys to panic. Just one of the many mysteries sent by the Creators.

After spending one dull day in the Slammer, Thomas would start to run the Maze with Minho, and you when were properly healed. The healing process was going agonisingly slowly so you couldn't wait to go back into the Maze. To give hope to the other Gladers.


Snapping out of your reverie, you glanced back to where Newt had been over by the Slammer. He had disappeared.

Glancing towards the Maze Doors, you saw Minho and a few other Runners preparing to leave. Still no sign of Newt. Your eyes found the Gardens where the Track-Hoes were getting to work but still you couldn't see him.

Deciding to ask around, you thought you should start with Zart. With a purposeful stride, you headed in the direction of the Keeper.

"Hey Zart, have you seen Newt recently?" You asked when he glanced up at you from his work, shielding his eyes from the sun.

"Just headed into the forest to get some more fertiliser. If you're going that way anyway, we could use another bucket of it. Here," He replied, chucking you the metal container as he spoke.

"Thanks!" You called back to him as you darted through the trees towards the fertiliser.

The towering trees cast distorted shadows on the hardened muddy floor. Patches of dappled sunlight shone occasionally through the thicket of leaves, leaving pools of warm light scattered across the ground.

The gnarled branches of trees stroked your face as ducked under a few low-lying trunks. Once again, you stumbled on a large root which ran through the undergrowth like a silent, brown snake and cursed your clumsiness softly.

Out of the corner of your eye, you saw something metal and shiny glinting in the sunlight which broke the covering of trees. With a rustle, the thing darted back under the leaves but you had seen enough of these to recognise a Beatle Blade. Spies for the Creators.

Rounding one last thick trunk, you reached the pile of stinking fertiliser. Newt's head whipped round as you stepped on a twig, snapping it instantly underfoot.

His face turned a little red and then he spoke in a tight voice, "Hi."

"Why are you avoiding me?" You demanded before he could make an excuse and leave.

He faltered slightly under your penetrating gaze and his cheeks flamed. "I'm not," He tried to protest.

You took a step closer and your face softened ever so slightly. Things had never before been awkward between the two of you. Always you had been close friends who helped each other get through your time in the Glade. When one of you began to lose hope, the other would rekindle it. When one of you was in trouble, the other was always there.

That was not something you wanted to loose.

"What were you going to say to me, when Chuck interrupted?" You asked curiously, taking another step closer.


Is he going to say it? We shall see. . .

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