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Frankie and Jodi spent a week together. They laughed at jokes and shared private school stories. They both had not fit in at their high schools. Frankie was a loner and Jodi played with the boys.

Jenna was worried that Jodi would decide to stay. Jodi was worried that Frankie would fall in love with her. Frankie was worried that Jodi would fall in love with him. No one was more worried than Charlie. He was worried that Frankie would give in.

As much as he liked Jodi, he couldn't allow that. He'd spent a great deal of time making sure Frankie never made that one sacrifice.

On a fine Saturday morning, Frankie had to go away for work, leaving Jodi and Charlie at the house. Frankie had only one rule for Jodi: you can go into any room you like except the small northern room on the top floor. Jodi had only shrugged. She made food for Charlie and settled down to read a book. She read for a while on and off until she got a call from Frankie. A collapsed bridge meant he could not make it back home that night. He couldn't use an alternative road either. It was raining heavily.

Jodi spoke to Jenna on the phone and read some more. Towards midnight, she got bored so she set to explore the house. It was as if something was pulling her as she walked. The sound of the rain as she walked up the stairs became louder. She didn't go through many rooms before she spotted the room at the end of the hallway. She walked over to it slowly. As they said, an idle mind was the devil's playground.

This was the room Frankie had told her not to enter. What could possibly be in there?

Curiosity got the better of her and she opened the door slowly. She was hoping to find it locked, but the door opened after she pushed it slightly. She put more pressure and opened it properly. It was pitch black in there even though lightning was brightening up the sky outside.

Jodi walked more into the room and struggled to find the light-switch. Finally she found it and pressed hard on it. The room was immediately illuminated.

Jodi screamed! For there in that small room she had been told not to enter were the bodies of 6 women. One of them had blood trickling from a wound. The floor was scarlet-red, painted by the blood of the women.

Jodi tried to bolt and slipped on the blood. She stood on her knees and crawled out before breaking into a run when she was out the door. When she got to the entrance she was breathing heavily. Her heart was threatening to abandon ship. She couldn't blame it; she wanted to leave her blood-stained body too. She was shaking.

She realized she was stranded. She couldn't blindly run into the rain. Old Manor was far from the streets of London. She was stuck in the creepy house with those bodies.

There was only one option.

She made a call to her "brother". Storm lived only about an hour from Old Manor. He complained about the weather, but agreed to come. Jodi could not tell him what she saw, she would show him.

Charlie came down the stairs to join Jodi. Jodi could not remember him following her up the stairs.

"Oh Charlie", she said and hugged him. "I can't believe you've been living here with this evil man!"

Charlie was visibly annoyed. God woman, what makes you think I'm innocent?

Jodi sobbed as she held Charlie tighter, hoping Storm came in time. She couldn't stay there and pretend she saw nothing when Frankie came back.

Why are you doing this to me? I did what had to be done!

For 3 times that night, Jodi heard sounds that made her think Storm was there. All 3 times it turned out to be the wind knocking something over. It looked as though Storm wasn't coming and Jodie felt she couldn't survive any longer.

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