Chapter 14

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*First Task*

I wrapped my ends in a band as I smiled at my finished fishtail braid.

"You're ready?" Janet asked. I sighed and clenched my eyes shut.

"I-I'm ready," I choked as goosebumps rose on my skin. Pansy came up to me along with Janet and placed her hand on my shoulder.

"He'll be fine," Pansy comforted.

"No he wont! He's fighting bloody dragons!" I yelled angrily. Pansy and Janet sighed as Janet handed me a jacket.

"I'm sorry. I'm just.... stressing out. Thanks," I said as I put on the jacket. I joined arms with Janet and Pansy as we walked into the living area. I saw The Crew putting on their robes. Draco stood up and walked over to me smirking.

"Me and my father have a bet you see," he smiled gripping my arm.

"Do you now?" I sighed clenching my fists.

"I think Harry wont last 10 mintues in the tournament," he laughed.

"Thats nice..." I mumbled looking at another direction biting my lip.

He squeezed my chin making me look at him as he said, "Well he disagrees.... he thinks he wont last five," he laughed as my eyes began to water.

"I dont give a damn about what your father thinks Draco!" I spat trying to get his hands off me.

"Guys leave..... Now!" he commanded as the guys left.

"Draco just try-"

"Blaise STOP. GO!" Draco growled.

Blaise gave me a pity look and mouthed 'sorry'.

The girls looked at me and slowly walked away as Janet mouthed, "We'll find help."

It was now me and Draco alone and he pushed me on the wall.

"How dare you talk to me like that!" he yelled looking me up and down in disgust. I let out a small cry as he hardened his grip on my arm. He swung me by my arm hard as I flew forward in the air. He let go of his grip and I fell sliding on the floor crashing into the wall across the room. I sobbed loudly as my back, which was still hurting from the last time, crashed against the wall and floor.

"Why do you hate me so much?!" I cried. He stared at me for a moment as tears poured down my face.

"I never did anything to you! You attacked me for no reason!"

"Shut your mouth-"

"NO! At the arena you acknowledged me! And you seem to be interested in the train! I-I thought we were getting along.. So what? Being Harry's sister suddenly isn't good enough for you?" I yelled.

His face softened as he took a step near me saying, "Amanda its not that at all!-"

"Then what is it Draco?! This CANT be you-"

"Its not I-"

Draco was cut off by the sounds of yells echoing through the room. Janet came back in with Fred and George at her side. Fred and George did a spell on Draco making him crash into the wall on the other side of the room. While George dealt with Draco, Fred came to me concerned.

"Are you ok?!" he asked angrily.

"No... owowowowow my back, it hurts," I cried lightly as he picked me up bridal style. George walked by our side and Janet lead us out. We walked down the hall to find Blaise and Pansy with worried looks. Fred settled me down on my feet as I was attacked by hugs from Blaise and Pansy.

"What did he do?" Blaise asked.

"He slammed me on the wall then threw me against another wall. He has a thing for walls," I replied wiping my tears.

"Imma kill him," Pansy spat.

"Ugh do it afterwards. We need to get to the arena," I sighed pulling them limping. They led me down the hall and we bumped into Severus.

He looked at me concerned as he asked, "What happened?"

"Draco..." I sighed letting tears fall from the pain. Draco walked towards us and he instantly got scared as his eyes met Severus'.

"2 weeks detention Malfoy," Severus snapped.

Draco nodded and his face twisted with anger. He stomped past us and Severus helped me to the arena.

*At The Arena*

"Now if you feel any pain again or Malfoy does something just call for me. Ok?" Severus said in a caring tone.

I nodded and smiled as he gave me a small hug. He gave me one last smirk and he walked away... again with his awesome hair flipping in the wind. I actually tried pantene and its a miracle worker.

"Amanda!" I heard Hermoine yell. I turned around and crossed my arms.

"H-Have you spoken to Harry yet?" she said brushing her hand through her hair nervously.

"No you?" I asked her annoyed. Now she wants to talk?

"Y-Yes. Of course I had to check on him. He's nervous and I'm worried sick and-"

I pulled her into a hug and rubbed her back.

"Thank you," I sighed.

We parted and she said, "I'm sorry.... for everything.... Come sit with us?"

I looked at Pansy and Janet for approval. They nodded and we sat with Moine, Ronald, the twins, Neville, Ginny and Seamus. Everyone took their turn and it was now Harry. I grabbed Moine's and Janet's hand and squeezed it. They returned the squeeze and my heart began to pound as he came out and the bell rang. Come on Harry you can do it dimwhit... Come on... Harry was jumping rock to rock as the dragon attacked.

"Harry your wand! Use your wand!" Moine yelled.

"Firebolt!" Harry yelled but it backfired. The dragon let out a wave of fire as he hid behind a huge rock.

A broom came and Harry jumped on it.
"Yes!" Moine and I screamed in unison.

He was now flying and everyone was cheering. The dragon broke its leash and Harry and the dragon went towards the castle. Everyone was absolutely quiet with the sounds of faint roars of the dragon were heard in the distance. I began to worry as i looked in the sky. Harry came dashing through the fog and we all let out a huge victory scream.

"YES! YES!" Me and Moine screamed hugging each other.

Harry grabbed swooped in and grabbed the egg in victory.

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