Golden tickets

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Rose was the sweetest girl you could ever meet. Not to mention beautiful! She had the brightest smile, most gorgeous golden eyes that would glimmer like stars and the most adorable laughter. She could brighten up anybody's day. In fact, believe it or not, she is the daughter of the most famous chocolatier in the world, none other than Willy Wonka. Willy and Rose, ever since she was born, had a bond that nobody could ever dream of breaking. She was his sweet little rose

Rose sat on the window sill, looking at the town. It was fun being in the factory but she felt like she was locked up. Willy was only trying to protect her from the evils of the world, because he loved her and he didn't want anything bad to happen to her.

His only child. A knock came to the door, which snapped her out of her thoughts. "Come in..." The door opened, revealing Willy with a huge smile on his face. She playfully raised an eyebrow as her red lips curled into a smile. "What's got you so happy?"

Willy walked towards her and kissed her forehead. "Well my little flower, I've decided to send out 5 golden tickets and host a grand tour of the factory. At the end of the tour, whoever is left, gets a special prize!!" Roses mouth was slightly agape.

She was finally going to meet some new people. What if they don't like her? And what was this, "special prize?" Rose slightly smiled. "Wow daddy! That's awesome!! But just one quick question. What's the special prize?" Willy smiled as he gently lifted her chin, his violet eyes looking into her gold ones.

"That my dear girl, is a surprise."

I hoped you enjoyed this first chapter!! It took me forever to write it. More chapters on the way. Please review and fave. See ya later loves!!

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