"I'm okay, Irene but thank you." Yoona said. She's still thinking on what she have done wrong to be hate by Tiffany and the other students that much..

"Hey.. are you okay? I told you don't think about it." Sehun said squeezing Yoona's hand

Yoona smiled once again "I want to go to Jessica." She said "Drop me there please."

"Okay, I'll wait for—"

"No, just drop me there Sehun. Don't wait for me and go home." She stated, she wants to ask Jessica. She knows everything.


"Please Sehun? I just want to be alone with her." She pleaded with those sad eyes "Just go home and wait for me, Irene will cook and I'll go home before dinner."

"Are you sure?" Sehun asked "You know I can wait for you."

Yoona gave them a reassuring smile "I'm sure." She answered

"I'll wait for you later, unnie. Let's eat together." Irene said

"Sure, sure!" Yoona exclaimed

After couple of minutes, they reached Jessica's house. Yoona exited the car after bidding goodbye with the three. One of the maids opened the gate and let her in, telling her that they will just call Jessica.

Yoona waited on the long couch at the living room, she look around the house and its really neat and pretty. Her amusement got interrupt by one of the maids "Miss. Come with me, I'll take you to ms. Jessica's room. She doesn't want to go out of her room."

With a nod, Yoona followed the maid and they stopped in front of a room at the 2nd floor. The maid knocked three times before opening the door, letting Yoona in. Yoona gets inside and close the door behind.

She saw Jessica looking at her window, her back facing her. "Jessica.." she mumbles

Jessica turned and looked at her, smiling "Hey, Yoong. You're here!" She exclaimed "I already picked the dress we'll wear tomorrow at the ball!"

Yoona smiled at her, she knows that Jessica is just faking all those smiles she make, she knows that deep inside, her friend is broken. "Jessica—"

Jessica grabbed her hand and drag her to sat on the queen sized bed with two huge boxes on top. Yoona thinks that its a box of pizza. "Here, look at these.. I already bought them, its better if you'll wear it first and I want to see your reaction!" Jessica exclaimed making her slight disappointed, well, its not a pizza but dresses.

Yoona took a deep breath, Jessica didn't look at her in the eyes, she slowly held Jessica's hand and squeezed it softly "Jessica.. I will listen." She whispered

It took a long pause, no one's speaking. Yoona gave Jessica's hand another gentle squeeze before Jessica finally hugged her tight "Yoona..." Jessica breathed and start sobbing.

Falling Angel - 세윤 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now