Christmas(age 13-18)

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Liam: age 13

You were really worried Liam wasn't going to make it for Christmas. He didn't make it last year, but maybe you thought he would this year. It was Christmas Eve and there was no Liam. You and others face timed Liam, but it did not feel the same.

You woke up Christmas morning with your mom shaking your arm. "Y/N! There is a present downstairs for all of us. You probably want help of open it." "Eh what the heck." You got up and went downstairs with her. In the living room was this rather large present. "On the count of 3, we open." Your dad said. "1..." Ruth yelled. "2..." Nicola yelled. "3..." You yelled. You all pulled. Out popped Liam. You all screamed and gave him a hug. "This is the best gift ever." You said. "Merry Christmas!" Liam cheered. "Merry Christmas!" Everyone else chanted.

Harry:age 17

Christmas to you was very important. You never really saw the rest of the Styles. Your mom shipped you off to a supreme boarding school when you were 14. Now you're 17. They, the school district, are letting the students visit their families this year. You decided to surprise everyone by being in the living room on Christmas morning.

Early Christmas morning, you snuck into the house (you still had the key) and sat in a of the chairs. A few hours later, you heard everyone come downstairs. Your mom was the first to appear. "Hello mother." You said, properly. She began to cry. She hugged you. "Sending you way is probably the hardest and worst thing I have ever done." Gemma and Harry showed next. "Hey Y/N." Harry said, while giving you a hug. Gemma hugged. Your dad was last. "This is the best Christmas ever." Gemma said, crying. "You could say that again." Harry said, also crying. "This is the best-" She started to say. "But don't." Harry said, while laughing. Everyone laughed.

Zayn: age 15

Even though you were Muslim, you celebrated Christmas. Christmas was not just a Christian holiday. To you it was everyone's holiday, matter what race, sex, or religion. You kind of what overboard with decorating. You just so exciting you were finally allowed to put up lights.

On Christmas Day, your parents invited Zayn and Perrie to come over. The day was filled with laughter and happiness. At one point, Zayn asked who did the decorating and you happily accepted that award.

Louis: age 13

Christmas was always a big Tomlinson celebration. The adults would help with cooking or it in the family room and while the kids would play games outside. Louis was a big kid, so he technically counted. You guys played almost every game possible, so when was time to eat you were happy.

Niall: age 16

Christmas to was about giving. Christmas to was mainly about the food. Sure the food was great, but things would be greater to you if you spent it helping. After lunch, you took some of the food and took it to the homeless shelter. But Niall stopped you first. "Whoa whoa whoa. Where are you going with the food?" "The shelter." "Why?" "To feed the people there. Can you take me?" He sighed and said. "Fine." You made some great friends that day, but what you were most happy about was that Niall shared some food for once!

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