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We all walked into the house silently. Nothing but hurt and sadness fill the aroma in the living room.

Both Trey and Chad made thier way in the kitchen as Chad loosen his tie and threw it on the couch. I watched as Julian sniffled and wimpered making his way upstairs and throwing of his tie also.

I sighed and tossed my clutch to the side and slipping out of my red bottoms making me 3 inches shorter. I made my way upstairs and changed out of my dress into a Love PINK sweat suit. I threw my short curled hair into a top knot and went to Julians room.

"Julian?" I said knocking his opened door and walked in looking for him

He then came out of his closet with just a wife beater and his little spider man boxer briefs.

"Yeah?" He asked jumping into his bed going under the covers

"How are you feeling?" I asked pouting at his mood

"I don't know what to feel. This whole time I thought she was my mommy, when she wasn't. And plus i barely knew her because she was always in the hospital. I guess I'm upset because everyone else is."

I sighed "It's okay if you don't know what to feel. You're young right now. Just know that your grandmother loved you very much. And so do i and everyone alse." I said getting up and kissing his forehead

"I love you too." He said

I walked downstairs to check on the boys. Trey was eating left overs from last night and Chad had his head down while his phone was blowing up. I sighed and took his phone, unlocking it, and putting it on do not disturb; setting his phone back down.

"Thank you for everything Brielle." Chad spoke up "I knew she was gonna die soom, and I wanted to give her the best funeral ever; everything supposed to be perfect. I wasn't even here but you bust your ass to bring everything together for this funeral, and I appreciate it girl." He said sniffling "The person I wanna really thank is Julian. If it wasn't for him, then I wouldn't have met your beautiful ass. I love you, and I'm so grateful for having you and Julian in my life." He stated

I was in tears, speachless. Trey then coughed to get our attention.

"Oh, and the bro Trey too." Chad added chuckling

Trey laughed and I joined in also.

"I love you too Chad." I managed to choke out

"Well ima leave yall two alone, I'm finna head home." Trey spoke and left

"Bye Trey." Chad and I said before we heard the front door close

"C'mon Chad, you need to go talk to your broth- I mean; let's just go." I said sighing

He took my hand in his and lead me upstairs to Julian's room. He knocked before entering and when we did enter, Julian was playing on his new Ds.

"Wassup little man, how you feeling?" Chad asked walking up to the bed

"Wassup Chad?" Julian asked pausing

his game giving us his attention

"Brielle and I wanna clear some things up with you." He said dropping our hands and rubbing his hands against his pants


"Okay Julain. First off I wanna say that I'm sorry. I've been lying to you for the longest and I think you deserve to know more now that momma died." Chad said pausing for a minute and continuing

"You are aware that I'm not your brother right?" He asked


"5, almost 6 years ago there was this girl. I was feeling her you know an-"

"You was feeling her like Brielle?" He asked

"No, hell no. Brielle is on a whole nother level compared to her." Chad said

I laughed and rested my head on his shoulder.

"Okay, like I was saying, me and her got caught up and did some adult things- which you don't have nothing to worry 'bout now, and that's when you came into this world, making mine a hunned times better." He said smiling, I smiled also.

"So who's my mom?"

"Remember that lady at the summer youth that took Brielle's place? Yeah her."

"Oh yeah, I don't even like her." He said making a face 

 I snorted trying not to laugh at Julian's reaction. Chad nudged me in the side with his elbow telling me to shut up

"Ow." I said rubbing my side

My tattoo

"So like, you're my dad now?" He asked uneasy

"I always have been. But nothing is changing, just call me Chad like usually if you want."


"Are you good now Julian?" I asked

"I'm fine."

"Ju, if you don't understand,  in a few years when you have a little brother or sister, you'll totally understand." Chad hinted and winked leaving the room before either of us can react

Julian and I both looked at eachother wide eyed.


I made my way downstairs smiling like I accomplished something. Mama would be proud at the fact how both Brielle and I handled the situation so well.

I sighed making my way into the kitchen wanting to make a sandwich. The house phone then rung and I knitted my eyebrows.

"The fuck?" I said aloud

The house phone still works? Who the fuck calls the house phone anyways? Anyone who is in this house hold has a cell phone, excluding Julian. I answered it anyways

"Hello?" I asked hesitantly

It better not be no bill collector or some shit, got me feeling uneasy and allat'.

"My nigga, hello?!"

All I heard was breathing into the phone. Hard, kinda like how my session with Brielle ended-

"I'M WATCHING YOU!" Was all I heard until they hunged up the phone

I then heard a car screech and I sprinted from the kitchen outside seeing a ford leaving from infront of my house.

"What the fuck?"

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