Chapter 14

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Harry's POV

I pace back and forth around the room. I have been doing this forever so I quickly grab a drink of water to calm down. "Why am I drinking water in a time like this?" Taylor just walked out more than an hour ago and I have done nothing but go crazy, and I'm drinking water!?

"I disgust myself." I think out loud.

I disgust myself?! Why am I talking like this? I must be going fucking crazy.

I spit the water out into the sink and throw the glass onto the ground where it breaks into thousand of other pieces.

Great. Now I'm thirsty again.

I open the cabinet and get another much taller glass. I fill it up with water and ice and sit down to relax and drink the large amount of water. The water feels good as it cooly runs down my throat.

I don't deserve this water and the relief it brings. I forcefully dump the water onto the floor and smash the glass onto the granite counter top. I look around at the mess I have made. God damn it. I sit down in a chair. I hunch over and look down at my feet and take my head in my hands. I need Taylor here with me right now. I can't meet Simon by myself. Well, I wouldn't be by myself technically, I would have Louis, Zayn, Liam, and Niall... But still, I need her.

Rage builds up inside me. How dare she leave me. She said she would have my back on this. I feel like I'm about to explode. My hands begin to shake at my sides. I feel the blood in my veins begin to boil. I can't do this... I need to break something... Anything.

I look over at the lamp. It's all fancy and probably expensive...

Without a second thought I smack the side of the lamp so it goes flying off the bed stand. I watch it fly through the air and then land onto the floor making another mess of the night. I just stand there, probably looking like a damn idiot. I officially destroyed the hotel room. I tug at my hair and I take a step back. I feel my eyes begin to burn, tears trying to push through. I it out. Everything. All my stress, about the X factor and more importantly Taylor.

I scream, loud and hard. Again and again and again until my throat is dry.

I hear a small nervous chuckle come from the other side of the room.

I whip around and find Gemma in the dark corner of the room. I almost forgot that she walked into the room shortly after Taylor left. She's leaning against the wall, arms crossed. She has a small grin on her face but she doesn't dare look at me now, "I knew it, Taylor." She barley whispers. I am not sure if she is talking to me or not but I don't care. I know she has a sarcastic remark about my actions on the tip of her tongue but I'm in no mood to hear them.

"What?!" I demand in a harsh tone, waiting for her to fire back at me. Gemma may be my younger sister but she still has a hell of a comeback when she needs to.

"Gee, I don't know you completely trashed our hotel room, broke two glasses of water, you have kept me awake all night, I have no idea how mum can sleep through all of your drama, you haven't gotten any sleep, your eyes are bloodshot, if you don't stop pulling at your hair it's gonna fall out, what am I forgetting," she pauses mockingly as if pretending to think, " Oh! I know, and you have completely lost your mind... I'd say your acting completely normal!" She fires back, not hiding the sarcasm in her voice.

"You don't understand anything!" I shout, "You have no idea what I am going through! You think that everything in the world is a joke, that others people's lives don't matter because yours is perfect! Well guess what! You wouldn't have that perfect life if it weren't for me! The only reason why you are as popular as you are is because I'm your brother, the only reason why you have the friends you do is because half of them just wanted to see the great Harry styles who just happens to be known as a great kisser, the only reason Taylor likes you is because I'm her best friend, you wouldn't have the grades you do if I wasn't so good at history, and you wouldn't even have gotten your first boyfriend if it weren't for me!" I yell out of complete frustration. I don't even know why I said half the thing I did. Gemma probably has her friends because she is nice, even though I did make out with a few of them, she is very clever and that's why she has the grades she does, she would probably have boys at school all over her too if I didn't scare the first one off, and Taylor likes her because Taylor likes everybody... So mostly everything I just said wasn't true.

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