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When I was about half a block away from my school building is when I started to notice...them. There were loads of new students, like loads, like the around the amount of students already in my school. They were all dressed the same way, all the boys wearing white formal shirts and the tuxedo pants with a sleek black tie and all the girls wearing pretty white dresses that ended at their knees. I squinted, the clothes the boys wore looked extremely familiar. I slightly turned my head to look at Nathaniel or whatever. Oh jeez, he was wearing exactly the same clothes as the rest of them. Was he? Were they? No. No. You don't have all the information yet. Don't make any conclusions! Maybe there was a sudden shut down of a school and all of them decided to transfer here? Yeah, that's more plausible. Right.

I headed towards Trish, my best friend who as usual waited for me at the gates. Maybe she would know what was going on. "Chris!" She exclaimed in her usual enthusiastic cheery manner. Okay, let me give you a little bit background, she has been my best friend since I was in kindergarten, she is a god loving and holy kinda chic who is extremely nice to everyone for some reason and she is one heck of a hugger. So as you probably guessed, she is the exact opposite of me. "Heya Trish!" I rushed to greet her after glancing at my stalker/angel Nathaniel to make sure he was still there. "So what's up with the nut jobs in white? They bothering you?" I asked nodding in the direction of the apparent angel folk. "Who?" Trish asked slightly turning her head to look at whom I was talking about. She stared right through them. Crap. She couldn't see them? I kept jabbing my head in their direction continuously hoping to everything I believed in (which was nothing basically) that she probably just missed them in the crowd. "Chris? Are you having a seizure?" She asked suddenly concerned. I stopped my spot on imitation of a stroke and looked at her and narrowed my eyes. She looked confused. Yep, its official she can't see them. So I turned it around a bit. "No, I'm not having a seizure you idiot. I'm talking about the retards who run around the field all day with a ball in their hand when it is clearly stated in the name of the game that they're supposed to use feet." I said. Okay, in all honesty I love American football or rugby as everyone else calls it, it is my favourite game but come on it really shouldn't be called football that's just....stupid. "Don't be mean." Trish laughed at my joke as the rest of the football players turned to glare at me. You see they had been standing behind us and the kids in white were in front of them. They all like Trish cause she was one of the sweet popular kids who was stunningly beautiful and was nice to everyone. Now me and the jocks? We had this beautiful amazing mutual hatred towards each other which we were each trying to top. "Come on, we'll be late for class." Trish smiled tugging at my hoodie sleeve. I nodded slightly as I followed her. Nathaniel walked beside me. "You can see all of us can't you?" He asked sympathetically. I ignored him.

I sat in class staring at the board not listening to a word Mrs. Carter was saying. "It's actually pretty cool." Nathaniel's British voice sounded. I rolled my eyes. "What now?" I asked. "Usually I can't talk to you or anyone and I just have to sit here and watch over you. This is the first time in years that I get to talk and be heard." He said. I considered it. That's too bad. I mean if I had a British accent I would never shut up. "Okay. But since no one else can see you I can't talk to you in public cause people will think I'm crazy....well crazier." I shrugged. "I agree, but doesn't mean I can't talk." He grinned. I slammed my hand into my forehead executing a perfect face-palm. "Christine." The teacher called and I quickly turned to face her. Great I just met the guy and I'm already in trouble? Correct me if I'm wrong aren't guardian angels supposed to keep you from trouble rather than land you in it? "Yeah?" I asked. "Want to tell me the answer?" She asked as she pointed at a horrifying looking question on the board. 'What subject is this?' I asked myself. Knowing all too well that l that I couldn't ask my teacher that I just smiled at her. "Nope. Not particularly." I said. The rest of the class was another blur. I remember being kicked out (not literally like this morning thankfully, but kicked out nevertheless) and sent to the waiting area outside the counsellor Mrs. Harriet's room. Wonder what she will say about the invisible boy who follows me around claiming to be my guardian angel and gets me into trouble by talking in his British accent and making me rebel against my elders. Oh and let's not forget about the formally dressed boys and girls everywhere whom only I could see.  Good god, they're going to send me to Arkham Asylum.

The door swung open ripping me out of my web of thoughts and bringing me back to reality as Troy one of the school's perpetual nut cases walked out of the counsellors room vacating it for the next offender, a.k.a Me. I got to my feet as I readied myself to step into the counsellor room. Nathaniel (if that was his real name) got up with me. "Seriously?" I whispered to him. "My job is to never leave your side." He shrugged as he followed me into the room. I was definitely going crazy. I mean a British boy that follows me around calling himself my guardian angel? I am high. I knew something was messed up about last night's mushroom soup that my mom made.   

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