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it felt like millions of pins pricking onto his body.

he couldn't breathe, no matter how hard he gasped. he was suffocating.

but a cutting, bitter gust of breeze reminds him that he is still alive.

it blew cross his eyes which held like weights, forcing to close shut tight any time soon due to the countless late night practices they had, just to improve.

"..but is it really worth it?" he croaked despite there was no one beside him.
how pathetic must he have felt, in this city with a huge population, he couldn't find anyone to confide into.

"where is taehyung-hyung?" it still felt odd for the maknae to address taehyung as his stage name, even though having to call v as "taehyung-hyung" is too, equally weird - "taehyung-hyung" with two hyungs together makes it sound like a tongue twister.

"i don't know," yoongi shrugged. "probably listening to cypher pt 4 on loop for ten hours at some corner," he dismissed jeongguk's question immediately.

jeongguk bit his index finger, carefully considering the probability of taehyung jamming to cypher after a dance practice filled with only berates from their instructor. zero.

"yoongi-hyung, he's not -" he's too late because kumamon's opening theme song interrupted him. jeongguk shook his head, wondering who is the real maknae here. (a/n: i do know kumamon is not a cartoon i just can't think straight rn)

he jogged to the practice room, only to be greeted with their dance instructor, packing his bag, turning off the lights. "oh jeongguk-ah," he smiled. the younger guy widened his eyes and asked quickly, "taehyung, did you see taehyung?"

"no, but taehyung seems down today, is it because of the scandal?" the instructor ceased his eyebrows, concerned. that scandal. how could jeongguk forget about it?

almost immediately, he darted to the only place he knows left. grabbing walls to swerve to each sharp corner.

the rooftop.

taehyung only continued silently weep by the edge of the rooftop while wiping them. the members cannot see him like that, they were already pressed enough for the upcoming tokyo concert. besides, they might not even care. because who would care about something trivial like kim taehyung's feelings after a long and exhausting dance practice?

he could have phone his family which is miles away from him. but how in the world would he have the heart to let them worry about him?

however, there's no doubt, he do miss them..... even if it seemed like his dad is by his side 24/7 whenever he put on that watch, even if it seemed like his siblings at his lock screen are cheering for him to fight on.

nothing beats a physical presence.

he knew that autumn is coming to an end but why does it feel like winter already?

"hyung!" his chest heaved up and down, quickly. it was evident that he ran up the stairs because he held onto his knees, in attempt to catch his breath.

taehyung stopped what he is doing because he recognised that voice.

it was jeon jeongguk. the only one that accompanied him to eat fried chicken while other members were promoting their album excitedly. the only one that stood by his side, listening to his cypher covers, with a phone, even, to see if he did any mistake in rapping. even when other members were busy practicing other aspects.

"i can't do this anymore."

a/n: hello thanks for reading!! do comment if you spot any grammatical errors because i suck at grammar (actually i suck at everything) but yeah please share this story around!!! keke

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