Lexa didn't reply, she just ran up the stairs and began to get ready for the party she was going to surprise.


Clarke was enjoying the party so far, she was dancing with her friends and had a few drinks so she could have more fun. Finn was dancing with his friends a few feet away from Clarke, His eyes not leaving her.

"Someone won't stop staring at you Griffin" Lauren nudged the Blonde,

"Yeah he's not been too bad so far" Clarke smirked,

"I think he's an ass" Raven laughed whilst Octavia began to grind on her girlfriend.

The girls carried on dancing and enjoying themselves for a lot longer, Clarke went over the front door to try and get some fresh air as she was feeling dizzy. She looked back into the party and seen Lauren and Camila making out, and a few feet away Raven and Octavia. She took a deep breathe and hung her head down.

As Lexa walked along the curb to the house where the party was being held she saw the Blonde stood at the front door hanging her head down. Lexa froze feeling low at the sight of her, seconds later she witnessed Finn pulling Clarke into a deep kiss, Clarke quickly returning the kiss causing it to get heated very quickly. Lexa stood frozen as her heart was beating fast, the familiar feeling of jealousy taking over.

Finns hands gripped Clarke's ass causing the Blonde to moan in his mouth, Finn pulled her inside the house as they were both smirking.


Monday Morning.
The most exhausting day of the week for just about everyone. Clarke was walking to the field which meant walking through the girls changing rooms to get there. She sighed walking down the dark hallway when she felt an arm grab her and pull her into the unused storage room.

"What the hell" She shouted.

She was pinned up against the wall as she felt a figure breathing down her ear.

"Does he fuck you better than I did" The brunette whispered sending chills down the Blondes neck.

Clarke stood frozen as she didn't realise what was going on, Lexa had her pinned against a wall.... And she knew about her and Finn.

"How do you know" Clarke sighed it coming out weaker than she expected,

"I saw... So does he?" Lexa whispered but was soon shoved away by the Blonde girl,

"That's nothing to do with you" Clarke held her head down.

They locked eyes before Lexa sighed and walked closer to her ex girlfriend.

"I still care about you" Lexa quietly spoke,

"You're not her anymore Lexa. You're not the girl I fell in love with" Clarke's eyes began watering.

Lexa gulped and took a deep breathe. She studied the emotions on Clarke's face and nothing.

"Sorry" Lexa looked down and began to walk out the room,

"Wait... Why? Why've you been sleeping with anyone you can get your hands on. Why are you taking drugs?" Clarke asked raising her voice,

"To get over you" Lexa turned to slowly meet the blue orbs,

"Bull shit!" Clarke shouted,

"You don't know anything! I can't get fucking over you but you can go and fuck the guy who forced himself on you!" Lexa raised her voice at the same level Clarke did,

"Fuck you Lexa!" Clarke shoved the Brunette,

"Fuck You!" She shoved the Blonde girl back.


They forcefully grabbed each other's faces pulling them both into a harsh kiss. Lexa slowly pulled away biting Clarke's lip causing her to moan, Lexa gripped Clarke's thighs as Clarke jumped up so Lexa was holding her. Lexa shoved Clarke into a shelf still holding onto her as Clarke started to pull off Lexa's leather jacket.

Lexa moaned as Clarke sank her teeth into Lexa's neck causing a purple bruise to appear, Lexa ripped open Clarke's button up shirt and began marking the breast's that's she very familiar with. Clarke unbuttoned Lexa's jeans as she slid her hand down Lexa's abdomen and flipped them around Clarke taking complete control, She began roughly rubbing the brunettes centre causing Lexa to scratch Clarke's back violently. Clarke pushed two fingers in without warning and Lexa couldn't hold on much longer.

"I'm... i- fuck" Lexa moaned as she finally came.

Clarke allowed Lexa to calm down as she softly rubbed her centre trying to help the girl come down. They stared into each other's eyes as they left slow and soft kisses on each other's lips, They after began getting their clothes and then stood in silence.

"I better go" Lexa said as she yet again walked for the door,

"So what was this? Another quick fuck." Clarke sent angry glares too Lexa.

Lexa didn't speak. She just walked out ashamed she put herself in that position again.

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