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In a Mayan tomb: One of the seven inscriptions of the coming apocalypse that is on the wall of the tomb.

The Creature that brings the end of the world

The Creature that hides against the worlds grief

The Creature that is said to bring fire and flame

The Creature that Shall bring the end of all things

When he comes, the universe will tremble

When he comes, the Earth Mother will be swallowed

The Diagon comes..............The Diagon comes............................

Tetrax read the inscription on the ancient Mayan tomb. The archaeologists had gone home for the day, which was a good thing for him considering that that he was an alien and would probably freak alot of people out. To be specific, Tetrax was a Petrosapien, a humanoid alien comprised of a crystal harder and more invincible then diamond. Unlike normal Petrosapiens however, Tetrax wore a thick metal jumpsuit with an assortment of armaments and weapons. However that was normal when you considered he was also a former mercenary.

Tetrax had been studying the Diagon for months, trying to learn more about him and his ways so as to find a means to stop him. However, the most he ever found were inscriptions like these. Prophecies that predicted the Old One's second coming and the end of all life in the universe. Old poems that described how Diagon could bring life, as well as take it away. Story's that could tell of the Diagon's destruction and invincibility. In other words..........useless things that told Tetrax nothing. At least so he thought.....till he saw the strange inscription under the prophecy he just read.

Tetrax narrowed his eyes trying to read the rough inscriptions that were written in hieroglyphics until he came to an image that would change everything: a round circle with a simple triangular hourglass design....and an inscription lable that said: The Matrix that holds all life.

"This is......!" said Tetrax with utmost surprise. "This is the Omnitrix!!"

Tetrax hurriedly took out a recording device and scanned over the ruins with it. He then turned on a comlink on his wrist and spoke into it. "Gluto, change of plans, we're going to Academy City. I have to visit a friend of mine."

A small town off the coast of Mexico....

The beach of the coast of Mexico was a quiet one. The people who lived in the small town nearby always appreciated that. However, because of the quaintness of the little town, it tended to be that they weren't noticed very often, so their tourist industry suffered. That is, until they discovered the creature that washed up on the beach........

The creature was a large ginormous octopus monster, around over 50 ft in diameter with razor sharp teeth, and spikes on its head. It's eyes blazed ruby red. And it was injured badly. Had the townsfolk knew that they were dealing with an intergalactic conquerer known as Vilgax, they probably would have told the government or something. But in their minds, this wasn't a dangerous foe, this was the new star attraction of the town. So they put the giant monster inside a huge aquatic tank and put him in the middle of the town on display for all to see.

As it so happened, today the town was crowded with a large amount of tourists all clamouring to see the giant Octopus which resided in it's tank. However there was one tourist who wasn't there for site seeing. A man wearing a suit looked at the weak Vilgax and seemed to understand who he truly was. He took a cellphone out of his pocket and made a call.

"Yes, we have found him." Then he dissapeared, as if into thin air.

That night, the night watchman was just about to lock up for the day when he was instantly surrounded by a strange group of people. This strange group wore black suits with red skirts, braceletts and scarves. There chest bore the emblem of a golden flame, as well as their faceless masks.

"We....are the Esoterica." Said one of the strange men. "Today, we come to you as liberators. Allow us to free the prisoner and you will come to no harm. For we can see you are ignorant in your ways."

The security gaurd raised his night stick and spoke in spanish. "I don't know who you guys are, but this thing is the best thing that ever happened to this town. If you think I'm going to let you......." but before he could say anything more he was hit hard on the side of the head and knocked out cold.

The next morning, the strange men were gone. And the large water tank was empty.

Alien Canteena near Orion's Belt.............

The Canteena known simply as the Omnivore was a colorful one. It was visited by a wide assortment of alien species thanks to its great selection of alien cuisine. There were Pyronites, Spheroids, Methanosians, Incurseans, even tricky Nosedeenians (also called MegaWatts) who frequented this bar on a daily basis. Sometimes, even rarer species like Arborians could be seen here (their home planet was destroyed by a giant monster tick). Now it was being visited by a strange species that looked much like an Earth Possum with large porcupine quills. This was a con artist who went by the name Argit.

Argit went to sit at the bar. He looked at the bar tender who was a large and particulary fat Tetramand. "Hey there Ranny, long time no see."

Ranny looked up from the glass he was cleaning. "Argit!! Why I otta kick you out and feed you to the Vulpimancers right now you piece of work!"

Argit rolled his large yellow eyes. "Nice to see you too Ranny. Cut the whole I don't want anything you're selling act and listen up! I have news of a big score that's coming up. And it'll pay top dollar if I can pull it off."

Ranny looked around to make sure nobody was watching and leaned in close to Argit. "I'm listening."

"Rumor is, Azmuth has moved his lab over to a place on Earth called Academy City. The rumors say that he might have also taken his blueprints for the Omnitrix with him."

Ranny's four eyes widened. "You're not actually thinking of stealling them are you? I know that Earth security is much more lax then Galvan Prime, but still, there is Ben Tennyson to think about!"

"Benjy? Trust me, I've met him, they say he got himself some girlfriend now and is too busy with her to be bothered a hoots of a Psycholeopterran's nest about a stupid little rat like me."

"That girl is nothing to scoff at either." said Ranny. "I hear she's a big deal esper in Academy City, plus she had the guts to take Vilgax head on. They have a name for her, I think she's called the Railgun."

"I know all about that stupid stuff." said Argit waving his hand. "Seriously, what's she going to do? Throw quarters at me? You know no one else is better at dissappearing then mwa."

"FIne then.....whatcha need?"

Argit smiled. "All right, now we're in business."

A Certain Powerful Omnitrix 3: The Hate That Dwells In ShadowsWhere stories live. Discover now