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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locals or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

Copyright © 2013 by nate k.


For my little peachy minion,

I am your Audrey and you are my James. Yeah it's a whole other way around. That's because you make my world go upside down. ;)

(I suck at pick-up lines. I know >_>)

But I do hope you know how much you mean to me. Because you really do, a lot. I hope you have a happy Christmas. This whole poem collection is for you. :)

And to you, too, reader. Have a wonderful yuletide season. This might be a little different from my other poems, but I still hope you like it. :)


I've always wondered
     why you sift through
     this endless patch of green... ❞

          he felt his lips move
           in such accordance
              tainted with a hint
                of fervid curiosity

What is it with these leaves
                                  {So tiny,
                                     so supple,
                                       so delicate
                                          so fragile...}
        that you find so interesting?

           I could give you
         r o s e s,
       t u l i p s,
     l i l i e s,
  hundreds of them,
     strewn across your fancy yard
        with little pink ribbons
      and a greeting card

   ❝ But you still
       choose these
          v i r i d i a n  f r o n d s
             looking dull and lifeless
            against the vibrant sunlight
          over the
      numerous bouquets
       l o v e l y f l o w e r s
                        that I left on
                     your front step. ❞

   It took
           one frank look
           to stop my nonsense
  and actually listen to her words,

it's about

     f i n d i n g  b e a u t y

         in these simple things

              that would matter

       in the end. ❞

              {she chuckled lightly

                    sounding like

           harmonious little chimes}

                     ❝ and in the process

                 you never know

         if you would

    s t u m b l e  o v e r

such miracle

   that would

         make you

            l u c k y. ❞

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