Harry(Age 2) When it came time for bath time. You loved it because you got to play with your toys and your daddy always gave you your bath. So tonight when your daddy said," Baby girl guess what time it is?" Your eyes lit up and happily you said," Baf time." Your daddy chuckled while picking you up, he carried you to the bathroom,and then he ran the tub. Your daddy asked," Do you want your toys and bubbles?" You said in an adorable voice ," Bof pwease. " Once your daddy finished getting the water ready, he undressed you, and gently placed you in the tub. Your dad let you play for awhile afterwards and finally he took you out. He then put on your Princess pajamas and then he put you to bed.
Niall(Age 2 months His Pov)
When my wife told me to give Y-N a bath. I was really excited because this is going to be her first time getting a bath. I gently picked her up and cooed ," Ok princess daddy's going to give you a bath." Y-N looked at me with her pretty blue eyes and let out the cutest laugh ever. I ended up giving her a bath in the kitchen sink and surprisingly she didn't cry. Well I guess she loves baths just like her mom. After, I finished giving her a bath I put on a onezie that said I know I Am Cute Have You Met My Dad? Then he placed you in your crib since it was bedtime.Liam ( Age 5) You absolutely hated bath time unless your uncle Hazza took one with you. Harry would wear his bathing suit and you play with toys. When your dad yelled, " Y-N time for your bath." You went straight to your dad so that you wouldn't get in trouble. When you got your dad you asked," Where is Hazza ?" Your dad replied," He is already here. " Your eyes lit up once you saw Hazza. You ran over to him and hugged his leg. Harry smiled while asking," Are you ready for bath time bug?"You answered ," Yes come on daddy." Once you and Harry were in the tub your dad cleaned you while you and Harry played. While you weren't looking your dad took a picture of you two. It was so adorable.
Louis(Age 3) When it came time for giving you a bath. You loved it because your dad bought you a huge thing of Kiwi bubbles. Also, you had a bunch of Toy Story toys(Blame Payno 😃). So tonight when your dad said it was bath time you ran straight to the bathroom. Even though you were 3 you knew how to do alot of things. For instance tonight you took off your own clothes and placed all your toys in the tub. When your dad came he smiled once he saw that you were already prepared for your bath. After, your bath was over and you were ready for bed. Your dad read you a story about Toy Story.