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Chapter 33-"Best-friend"

Bell's pov Next morning

{an- I know I'm not writing it just like the comic nor the show but its my book basing off of the show. and i can add changes if needed. Thank you for reading!!! <3}

"Dad I'm going to Maggies!" i yelled as i walked out of the door. I walked down the paved road and to the front door of Maggie and Glenn's shared house. I lightly knocked before opening the door and entering.

"Maggie" i said as i walked to her room once not finding her inside the kitchen or living room.

"Here" i heard her call from her room as i entered it.

"Hey" i smiled as i sat on the edge of her bed.

"Hey" she smiled back placing down a book. I looked at the name.

"Where the red fern grows" she said noticing my struggle of reading the cover.

"Ive always loved Wilson Rawls books" she smiled and i smiled nodding.

"Did you have glasses before?" she asked.

"Yeah but they broke in like the first month of all this" i said looking down at the tiled floor.

"Mmm" she said nodding. "Where's Carl?" she asked quickly changing the subject.

"I actually haven't seen him all day" i said surprisingly he didn't even stop by this morning, it was a little after 1 now.

"Weird" she said and i agreed with her. I had a plan skip through my head and stood up.

"Ill be right back" i smiled and she nodded saying goodbye. I walked out of the house heading to where she was.

I knocked on the door and Michonne opened it. "Hey" i said as she let me in.

"Hey whats up?" she asked as is good infant of her.

"Um Wheres Judy? I mean is it okay if i borrow her for a while?" i asked and she nodded cocking her head to the side, "Reasons" i finished and she nodded showing me to Judys room.

"Hey Judy" i said as i picked her up from her crib. She started giggling as she bit down on her chew toy.

"Just have her back before Dark?" Michonne said and i nodded grabbing her diaper bag and her blanket then leaving the room as Michonne was already down the steps.

I walked past Carl's room and saw the door opened a crack. "We have to tell her" I heard Carl whisper yell at someone. I peeked in and saw Enid. "Carl" she said but her cut her off.

"I can't hurt her anymore, I'm telling her" He said as he started for the door. I quickly ran down the steps and out the from door then walking to Maggie's. I wonder what he was talking about. My mind despised me telling me things i didn't want to believe. He wouldn't do that would he?

"Hey" i said as i walked into the house heading ti Maggie's room. 

"Judy" she smiled as she saw the plump baby. I sat Judy down on the bed and let her Crawl to Maggie as i set down her diaper bag.

"If you're having, mine as well get used to one" i smiled and Maggie chuckled giving Judy kisses.

"Where's Glenn?" i asked since i haven't seen him either.

"He's watching the gate right now" she said as she made the baby giggle. She would be an amazing Mother. And i can't wait to see a baby Glenn run around alexandria.

"Bell, I'm so thankful for you" she said making eye contact with me.

"You're like my own daughter already." she said making me smile.

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