Harry-(Age 2) You weren't feeling good. All you wanted to do was cuddle with your dad. So you grabbed your stuffed Woody, got out of your play pen, and walked to your daddy's room.Once you were there you crawled into his bed and said," Daddy my tummy hurts and me wanna cuddle. Immediately your dad shot up and he pulled you into his arms. Then he said," Aww baby girl daddy's sorry that your not feeling good. Do you want me to rub your tummy?" You nodded your head so he rubbedyour tummy until you feel asleep again.
Niall(Age 6) You had just gotten home from school. You were feeling moody and you just wanted to cuddle with your dad. So when you saw him you asked," Daddy can we tuddle? " You couldn't say your C's. Your dad replied," Is my princess feeling moody today?" You answered," Yes please can we tuddle?" Your dad picked you up and you two cuddled while watching movies.
Liam( Age 6 months) No matter what your parents did you would not stop crying. They tried everything. Until your dad said to your mother," Babe go to bed I will try something ?" When your mom your dad took off your onezie and then his shirt. After, that he took you on the couch where he layed you on his chest. Within five minutes you were fast asleep.The next morning your mom found both of you sleeping peacefully on the couch.
Louis:( Age 1) You couldn't really talk except you could say a few words.One of the words was cuddle and dada. You were being really sassy which of course you had gotten from your dad. So you sassily walked over towards your dad and said," Dada cwuddle". Your dad chuckled because of the way you were being sassy. He gently picked you up and you guys cuddled for a few hours.