Chapter 1

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You walked into the kitchen, and Dean's eyes were on you, scanning your poorly covered body; the tank top and shorts you were sporting, left ample bare skin showing and he subconsciously licked his lips.

Sam's head was buried in a book he'd found, about mystical creatures that were considered extinct, and for some weird reason, he seemed to be fascinated by that and he couldn't stop reading.

You poured yourself a mug of coffee, leaning against the counter as you slowly sipped on the liquid and let it wake you up; your eyes aimlessly wondering around the room until they settled on the younger Winchester.

He seemed to be tired, and you could only guess that he'd stayed up to finish the tome he'd been carrying around for three days; a smile forming on your lips at how cute his little obsessions were.

Your breakfast usually consisted in coffee and well, more coffee if needed, but since you'd been going to bed pretty early these last few days; one mug was enough to wake you up completely.

You quickly rinsed the mug, knowing that it would definitely be better than to have another pile of dirty dishes forming in the now empty sink, and walked towards Sam.

"Morning, Sammy!" Your hands found his tense shoulders, "Hey, (Y/n)! How's it going?" He mumbled his answer in a sleepy slur, and you knew his question was due to the routine you'd now established around each other.

Dean was still staring at you from where he was sitting opposite from his brother, but he knew better than to expect you to greet him, because you wouldn't; just like you hadn't for the last few days.

You didn't reply to Sam's question, deciding to work on the knots you could feel under your fingers instead. Starting from his broad shoulders, your fingers began to massage the kinks away.

A soft sigh of relief left his lips as he seemed to instantly relax under your gentle touches, "That feels good..." You could tell he was starting to lose focus on whatever he was reading.

You smiled down at him, your hands moving up to his neck, applying a little more pressure and earning yourself a moan from the stressed man sitting in front of you, "Jeez, (Y/n), your hands are just...yeah"

Your smile turned into a proud smirk when more noises started to escape Sam's lips, his head now resting on the open book as he succumbed completely to you.

Once you were done working the knots in his shoulders and neck, you threaded your fingers through his brown, long and silky smooth locks, using your fingertips to massage his scalp.

At this point Sam was practically melted under your ministrations, and a deep groan vibrated in his chest when you lightly scraped his scalp, "Enough with the porn star noises, Sam!"

Dean's voice was grumpy, he didn't like this and you knew it, Sam would've probably noticed too if he hadn't been a mess under your hands, "You don't understand, man! Her hands are pure heaven!"

And Dean knew. He knew exactly how good your hands felt, how soft and delicate they were; he'd remembered how you would trailed them all over his body, in gentle, lingering caresses that drove him wild.

How could he forget how you'd grip on his arms or shoulders, clawing at his back and digging your nails into his muscles as he had you lying underneath him; naked and sweaty, while you moaned his name for him.

But it had been a little over a week since he'd last had you like that: needy and squirming for him, and it was driving him crazy. So as his little brother told him how he felt in heaven, Dean couldn't help but feel like his hell was now complete.

Another groan from the younger Winchester's lips had you grinning, and Dean's gaze was on your face. He'd screwed up, he knew that and now he had to endure his punishment.

Apologies   (Dean Winchester x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now