Day 03

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Jesy was busy cleaning the bar as her shift at the club was coming to an end. Just as she was finishing up, Leigh-Anne walked in. The dark skinned beauty was casually applying make-up to her neck as she walked with a compact mirror in front of her. How Leigh could walk without looking ahead and not bump into anything amazed Jesy to an extent.

"Hey," Jesy called to grab Leigh's attention. Leigh looked up slightly then grabbed a stool to sit in front of Jesy.

"Hey," Leigh replied, finally putting her makeup away. "You almost done here?"

Jesy nodded and went to clock out.

Five minutes later, the two women walked out into London's winter air. They both clutched at their coats and began walking side by side in a comfortable silence.

"So," Jesy said slowly. "When'd you last see your little boy toy?"

Leigh-Anne rolled her eyes. "He's not a little boy toy."

"Well he's definitely a boy - "

"He's twenty - "

" - compared to Scott," Jesy continued. "You know, your husband."

Leigh sighed and chewed on her bottom lip nervously.

"How long are you gonna keep it going?" Jesy asked seriously after the thickening silence.

Leigh remained silent for a few more seconds as she thought out throughly her affair with Harry. She knew it was wrong but she could never understand how it felt so right.

"I don't know," she groaned. "I don't know, okay?"

Jesy shook her head and pursed her lips lightly. "You finally found the one and you've had a beautiful wedding and you two have swore to spend the rest of your lives together - do you know how many girls would kill for that, Leigh-Anne? You're throwing that all away for a sexual affair! You don't even care for him! Either of them!"

"I care!" Leigh barked back angrily. "About both of them! Why do you think this is so difficult for me? I thought I found the one when I married Scott but - I - I'm not so sure anymore. I care a lot about Harry; more than I let on. I'm not sure if I love him like I do Scott but then again I don't even know if I love Scott anymore! I just don't know. About anything! I'm so confused."

"You shouldn't be. You should know what you feel."

"But what if what I feel isn't what's best?"

"Leigh-Anne, I have a feeling you know exactly what you feel but you're just scared," Jesy accused. "Don't be. I don't support your affair - at all - but I do fully support your happiness."

"Thanks, Jesy," Leigh said dully before shoving her hands in her coat pockets and focusing on the pavement beneath her, ending their conversation.

Meanwhile, Perrie and Selena had spent the last hour or so, shopping at Topshop for a Christmas dinner outfit.

"What about this?" Perrie asked Selena, holding a fuzzy black sweater to her chest.

"Perrie, I love you but what is it with you and black lately?" Selena frowned. "It's all you've been wearing."

"Is that a no?" Perrie questioned, her face scrunching up and her head tilting cutely.

Selena laughed lightly and shook her head. "It was a no," she clarified. "If you want black, at least get yourself a dress. Every girl needs a little black dress. It's part of the girl code."

Perrie scowled. "Selena, this is me you're talking about. The girl who's dating her ex's best friend. I don't follow the girl code - or any codes for that matter."

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