Chapter 65

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Alyssa POV

We was all chilling until I was trying to figure out where Melanie and Chresanto was at. I walked upstairs to hear something from Mel's room. I quietly open the door and peeked. I squeezed my big ass head and seen them smoking without me.

"Well damn could've asked a nigga if they wanted to join." I said opening the door for me to fit in. 

"Sorry." Melanie said with a sorry look on her face.

"Its aight." I said taking the blunt and took to puffs and passed it to Chres. That's when everyone came upstairs and once they saw what was happening. Everyone was rushing into the room and the door closed.

Minutes later we all passing the blunt around and laughing like idiots.

"Y'all wanna play truth or dare?" Ray asked with one of braids coming out.

"Sure." We all nodded our heads in agreement. 

"Imma go first." Ray said looking around.

"Aight Melanie truth or dare?" He said looking at her.

"Hmm dare."

"Ok I see we have a dare devil. Aight so I dare you to give Chres a lapdance." She looked at Ray then Chres. Chres had a smirk on his face.

"Do it bitch." Draya said getting hyped of course. Melanie got up and gave Chresanto a 3 minute lapdance. When she sat down every ones eyes was on Chresanto. Next thing you know Chres was pulling his shirt over the front of his pants. I looked at him like dude.

"What?" Chres said.

"No comment. Let's continue with the game. Mel it's your turn."

"Aight. Draya truth or dare." 

"Dare what the fuck I look like." Draya said getting ready for whatever Melanie had to say.

"I dare you to kiss Will for 2 minutes with." Draya got up and kissed him. They hands were all over and it went well over than 2 minutes. They stopped and looked at each other and Draya got up and went out the room. 

"Why she leave?" Jacob asked. 

"I don't know, but I'll check on her." I said about to get up, but Will stopped me and went out the room.

"So anyway, I'll go. Alyssa truth or dare?"

"Truth." I said confidently.

"Is it true that you had a lil bit of feelings for Ray?"

When he asked that I didn't know what to say. The truth was I did have a feelings for Ray. It was like he was the one there for, well shit they all were and still are. I don't think they should know.

"Come on Alyssa. You know you used to like Ray twice." I laughed.

"Umm, actually I did, but things change so yeah." After I said that Draya and Will came back hand in hand and smiling really hard.

"What happened to yall?" I asked being nosy.

"We are together now." 

"Finally because I think Will is the only that can hold your attitude." I said being honest.

"Shut up." Draya said laughing and sitting down with Will.

"Ok we need to do something else because truth or dare is getting type whack." I said getting up from Lucas. I didn't know his ass was sleep.

"Lucas get you ass up." I said shaking him. His opened then I got up to be pulled back down and kissed on.

"Lucas come on. Oh my GOSH!!!" He was licking my neck.

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