10th day of X-mas

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Mark's POV

Ah, why does the snow haves to hurt your eyes? It's only 8 in the morning and it's just pure white out there. Well the snow looks thick and fluffy, should I do something with it? I thought as I reached out for my glasses that laid on my night stand. I pushed up my glasses to see that Aaron was on my computer.

"Aaron what are you doing in here?" I slowly sat up from the floor.

"Oh hey Mark, I was just browsing around." He turned the chair around and gave me a friendly smile.

"At porn?" I laughed as I watched his smile grow into a giggle.

"N-no...unless you count the Animal Chanel." Aaron stood up and sat beside me while giggling to himself. I pushed up my glasses again from Aaron's fall.

"Dude I think you need new glasses." Aaron suggested from the many time I had to move my glasses up.

"No their fine." Aaron shook his head like 'yeah right' motion.

"Mark you pushed your glasses up for more than 10 times. You need some new ones. Here I'll but you some." Aaron stood back up and pulled my arms up making me stand.

"No you do to hav-" "Yes I do, This is a little level of fairness, now let's go try on or replace those Glasses!" Aaron started to walk out the for with his hand gripping my wrist for dear life pulling me to my bed room to change my clothes.


"What about these?" I turned around to find Aaron giggling. "no there fi-haaaa!" He started to laugh trying to not make people stare at him, but he failed.

"Okay, I'll just get a repair instead of some new ones." I took off the white glasses which didn't match me at all! Black is my signature color.

"Hi, I would like a repair please......its under Mark.....my password, it's Markiplier.....how do I spell that....M.A.R.K.I.P.L.I.ER.....10? 15 minutes....no that will be alright!....Thanks, you too." I said as the nice lady took my info for my glasses.

"10 slips ups!" Aaron sang in tune while smiling at me.

Zer0~ Wrapping paper, Wrapping paper I got an EnderMan! HBR #)

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