Chapter 1

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School was finally over for the day, you head over to your locker and inserted your lock combination. You felt as if someone was sneaking up on you then without looking behind, you knew who was trying to scare you.

"Miko, I know it's you."

"Aww, how did you know it was me?!" Miko exclaimed as she went next to you with her arms crossed around her chest as she lead on one of the lockers.

"I just know it's you because ever since I meet you, and told you the fact I don't get scared easily, you tried everyday to scare me." You explained to your Japanese friend.

"That's true." Miko pouted, as you closed your locker and started head out of the school building. That's when Miko asked you.

"Hey you want a ride home?" She pointed at a green bulky car parked at the curve of the school's street, Bulkhead  you panicked 'I'm not ready for them to know that I'm alive, not yet'

"Nah, I prefer walking home."

"What?! But, you literally live on the edge if town! How in the world would you want to walk over there?!" Miko exclaimed.

"Um, Miko it's fine it's just that I've gown use to walking over there ever since my parents sent me here to live on my own." The part of your parents was a lie, you only said that so people don't get too suspicious on why your parents are never home.

"Your lucky that your parents trust you on living by your self!" Miko said, then the green car hocked it's horn, signalling Miko it's time to go.

"Well, see you on Monday!" Miko then ran tworeds the car as she waved goodbye to you.

"See ya!" You said to her before the car drived away. Then your long walk home began.

~Time skip~

You unlocked your door to your house, you entered and closed the door and locked it, you dropped your backpack in the front entrance of the house as you made your way to your kitchen, and towards the fridge to make your self something to eat from the long walk from school.

As you search through your fridge to find something to snack on, someone was knocking at your door. You closed the fridge and headed to the door, before you opened the door you took a bat from the umbrella rack, the reason was that the last time you opened the door with out a weapon M.E.C.H tried to kidnap you.

You raised your bat up as high as could and unlocked it, then in one fast motion you opened up the door and quickly pointed the bat at the person.

"Woah! It me(Y/N)!!"

You realize who you were pointing the bat at, it was your good friend Jack. You quickly put the bat down and let him in.

"S-sorry about that Jack, I though you were someone else." You apologized to Jack.

"Nah it's quite alright, I understand how unsafe it must feel when living alone."

"Yeah, but anyways what are you doing here?" You asked him

"Well you sort of forgot to give me back my notes from yesterday's history class so I came here to get them."

"Oh right! I totally forgot to give them back to you, stay right here I'll go get them." You said, as you quickly rushed up stairs to your room to get the notes.

~2 minutes later~

After searching every where in your room trying to find Jack's notes, you finally found them sitting neatly on your desk, even though you knew you didn't put them there.

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