"You know what we have to practice With these rakshas . Oh god I can't handle them. But Harshad ji is here he will take care of us"

I groaned hard. Yeah! Right he will look after us. What a great joke, right guys. I know you agree with me.

"Yeah, right. So Navya what are we practicing today." I asked faking enthusiasm.

Like who cares what we are practicing . I just want to get out of this place soon.

"Hi Nandini. I see you are here" Harshad said with his all time present smirk.

"Yes , your grace. I am here." I too replied with sarcasm.

"Well see guys the ever so cool meeting of Nh3" murmured Mukti

"Yeah right. I don't know what even bhai sees in them . They are so bloody annoying people."

"Mukti! Calm down not everyone in their group is mad they are more psychotic." He rumbled with laughter.

"Yeah!! So true man. Love it" laughed Mukti.

I don't even know why she is laughing
On the shit ass joke. These guys are just foolish and childish .

"Well guys if your banter has been stopped can you listen to my announcement." Said Raghav sir.

Now what does he need.

"What announcement Raghav. Are you leaving the job" asked Manik haughtily.

While Mukti and Alya laughed wholeheartedly and cabir just snickered knowing full well that no expression will lead to severe reaction unlike chemistry where no reactions are neglected. Well I know you must be bored by my random explanation.
Let's get back to our lovely show as Manik has opened up his mouth.

"Well, Manik you know don't act like you are too smart here . As I am still here and pay some respect at least in front of me. By the way I called you here to tell you about the new twist in your practicing schedule." He said

"What twist!" Asked Alya

"Yeah! Change in practicing schedule what are you talking about" asked Mukti.

"Sir please don't create the suspense. Tell us know" said Navya

God these girls. If they will let him speak then only he will say the shit right. So stupid.

"Enough guys. Listen to me. You guys are paired up in two and your task will take place in the Jungle also known as forest. I hope you people know this place because junglees should know their place right guys. So pick those chits and select your partner." He motioned towards the table where chits are lying.

Firstly Harshad picked those yellow paper and said Mukti. Wow! Two shitty animals together make a nice team .

Well the next sequences were like this

Dhruv- Alya

Cabir- Navya

Then the next thing that stole my breath away was when Manik announced his partner.

"Nandini" as he huskily whispered my name with his knowing eyes.

I don't know why but I could see something was different about Manik in his eyes.

Something is new today.

With Manik.

Dhruv and Cabir new equations are taking their places in my life . I don't know how will I hide my secret.

See a/n below


Many readers are confused about the later chapters that they can't see or read them because all the coming chapter which are not visible are marked as private. I hope it helps you. There are total 29 chapters until teaser.

Well, this is the chapter. Tell me how did you like it.

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