Leilani: *strugs* Tired but I'm okay.

Teddy: *smiles* I know but me and Larry are here to the rescue.

Leilani laughs a little and make her way downstairs with Teddy trailing behind. Laurent stands up and takes Lauren from her arms and smile. Larry then gets up and hugs Leilani.

Larry: *smiles* Hey sis how you feeling today?

Leilani: *strugs* Tired I guess.

Larry: Don't worry because you know we'll always have you guys back.

Leilani: *smiles through tear* Thank you bro and bestfriend.

Larry: *smiles* Anytime.

Leilani smiles and sit beside Laurent. He looks at her and smile. He kiss her forehead as she lay her head on his shoulder. They chit chat well Leilani stayed quiet while they talked.

Two o'clock hit, so Leilani and Laurent make their way out the door. While in the car, Leilani looks out the window and Laurent grabs her hand as she looks up at him and smile a little.

Laurent: Whats wrong boo-boo?

Leilani: What if the medicine don't work. What if they can't help me. What if-- *Laurent cuts her off*

Laurent: Babe stop with the what if's. It's gonna be okay. I promise.

Leilani looks out the window while Laurent rubs her hand. They make it to the doctors office and walk in. As they sign in, the receptionist gives Laurent the flirty eye totally ignoring Leilani's presence.

Receptionist: *flirting* Hello there.

Laurent: *plainly* Hello.

Receptionist: *smirking* What's your name?

Laurent: *plainly* Laurent.

Receptionist: *smirking* Hmm sexy. So do you have a girlfriend?

Leilani: *annoyed and tired* Bitch I'm standing right here so do your motherfuckin job and stay in your lane before I beat your ass in here.

Receptionist: *scared* O-oh okay. What's your name?

Laurent: Leilani Smith.

Receptionist: I see you right here ma'am. Dr. Banks will be right with you.

Leilani rolls her eyes and take a seat in the waiting room. Laurent sits down and smirk at her. Leilani looks at him.

Leilani: What?

Laurent: *laughs* Did you really have to go off on the woman?

Leilani: That bitch knew what she was doing. She better stop playing with me before she be a patient in this motherfucker.

Laurent shakes his head laughing. He truly have a loyal woman.

Laurent: *laughs* You so mean.

Leilani: I know.

Dr. Banks calls for Leilani and they make their way to the back. The nurse comes in and takes Leilani's blood pressure. She tells them that the doctor will be with them shortly.

She leaves and Laurent stands in between Leilani's legs. He kiss her cheek but Leilani still frowns.

Laurent: Babe you still mad?

Leilani: Nope.

Laurent: Babe stop being mad. I don't want her.

Leilani: I know you don't. You know where home is.

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