Caged In Demons Arms [18] Headaches

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I also feel that the further I get into the story the better the chapters are, in fewer errors anyway. (But since I just wrote this, I'm somewhat tired and will probably have a few mistakes in this..idk)

Thank you for reading and I hope you like the chapter! I'm done with my testing :)

I'm going to be leaving soon, so I will try to get one more chapter up before I'll be on a plane to Arizona.

Please comment! I must know how this chapter is :D

© Kalee E 2010


Heaving in breath, I try to set my mind at ease. Since I've woke up I've been trying to recall anything that might have happened while I was out. It seemed though the only thing I could still bring up was the wolf attack, and a few times when the doctors had been forcing me to take these strange herbal medication that always left a bad taste in my mouth.

Damn, this was not how I wanted to spend today. If anything I was hoping that I could just relax for once without having to think about recent events. If only I could knock down that door without causing such a fierce pain from striking my skull.

Still siting at the desk with the mirror, I gently placed my head upon my folded arms and debated about this strange occurrence. When I couldn't think anymore, I almost drifted into dreamland when I heard the abrupt sound of banging echoing throughout the room.

"Kara come down quick! Master Rath has just arrived and wants to see you!" Alice voice rang from the door as she banged again, her tone clearly telling me to hurry as I sat up from my seat.

"Alright." I said under my breath, tugging a dress from one of the dresser-doors. It was simple, seeing that the dark blue dress was purely designed for indoors rather than for sheer flaunting like the nobles loved to do whenever they were out shopping. Though it did touch the floor, it wasn't long enough to accidentally trip me. Sometimes I'd have random fears of going down the stairs with long skirts, seeing that during one of my mother's birthday balls she had me wear an outrageous sea foamed colored gown that cost me my footing on the third step down of one of our two spiral staircases. That night, I have found myself always checking my footing whenever I wear dresses like that.

Sighing, I glanced at the mirror again, checking my appearance as my hair was pulled back into a clean bun with a few strands of my long bangs curling slightly against my cheekbones. Once I added just a dash of make up, I hurried to the door where Alice waited and flung it open. When my eyes came upon Alice's feature, I could clearly see that she was in slight disarray since her hair was a cyclone of waves rather than her normal soft looking straight blond hair that I was used to.

'They must have done a quick clean up.' I thought with a mental sigh, knowing that even with the manor already dust free the maids and butlers always did a double check before Rath would arrive from certain occasions like this. Though this is my first time seeing this, Alice and Millie where willing enough to tell me about procedures such as this in case it was my turn to help them out.

As of late though, I haven't even picked up a signal duster, due to the new order that Rath had claimed that I wasn't allowed to clean due to my condition. Of course though, this wasn't something I knew until Alice and Millie stopped me in mid motion for placing my work uniform on.

Giving my friend a weak smile, we silently made our way towards the staircase that would be down the second story hall. Once we swiftly hiked down the wood carved stairs, I could hear the sound of the front door being closed shut, stating that the master of the home had indeed returned.

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