Picture Perfect

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I am a model. And I fell in love with my boss. Everything was perfect.


"Great rehearsals everyone! That was so close to perfect." Scott shouted at all the models lined up on the runway, me being near the end.

"See you all tomorrow" he gave everyone a wide smile before walking backstage again.

I quickly shuffled backstage to get cleaned up and out of the beautiful outfits.

After that I ran to where Scott usually was. He was there but he was talking to one of the producers.

"You have to fire him." I heard the producer say before patting him on the back and walked away.

I frowned as Scott let out a sigh and his posture slumped.

"Scottie?" I say timidly hoping he wasn't too annoyed.

He turned around with wide eyes and walked up to me.

"Hi baby." He says nervously, "How much did you hear?"


"Just the part where you need to fire someone. Who?" I ask resting my hands on his face hoping to help him relax his jaw that he's been clenching.

"Just one of the designers. Let's go home okay?" He said kissing me on the lips.

I let my eyes flutter closed as I cherished his taste.

He pulls away and smiles at me before leading me to the car.

Once we arrived home, we immediately got Wyatt and started a cuddle session with spongebob on the screen.



"You know you are beautiful right?" He asks looking at me.

"I guess thats why I'm a model?" I say confused.

"But even if you aren't... you are gorgeous." He said looking me in the eye seriously.

"Okay..? What's wrong?" I ask feeling a little worried.

He lets out a long breath as he turns off the tv. Sensing that this is serious, I turn my body to face him.

"I...I need to fire you..." he says as he looks at me sadly.

"Oh..."I say as I try to process.

"It's not that bad baby. I mean, you can still come to rehearsals, I'll even get you the outfits! All of them." He says trying to make things better.

Am I doing something wrong? Am I too playful during rehearsals? Am... Am I just not good enough? Pretty enough? No... he just said that I'm beautiful. I'm okay. I'm okay.

"Can I ask why?" I say softly looking at my hands.

"Well, some of the designers that you are wearing are saying that you aren't fit enough for their outfits and it wouldn't look good on you. And uh... The producer of this show has said that you've kind of been slacking off and told me off for being bias as... you are my boyfriend." He said clenching his jaw as he frowns.

Is... Is that a bad thing? I... thought we were okay...

"Oh!" I force out a dry laugh. "I mean, I have been slacking off haven't I?" I say smiling too wide.

I haven't worked out, I haven't been watching my diet. I haven't been performing as well...

"No! I feel like you're doing well! But they just..." he said sitting up a little more.

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