Push It

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///Chapter 50\\\


"Lyndsey? Lyndsey?" I ask. She must have gone into the nursery. I hear a scream and run into the nursery. I hear another scream.

"Anne!" a voice cries out. I run into her bedroom. She's on the floor, screaming bloody murder. There is liquid on the floor, her water broke. She's crying.

"What's wrong? Are you ok?" I ask her.

"I can't stand up. It hurts." she cries.

"I'll call 9-1-1" I say, pulling out my cell. I tell them about Lyndsey and they'll be there in 5 minutes.

"Call Niall. I need him!" Lyndsey cries.

"Ok, lay down first." I tell her calmly. She needs to calm down. She's already in labor.

"It hurts." she cries. I help her lay down then I call Niall.

"Hello Anne." Niall says calmly.

"Lyndsey is hurting bad." I tell him.

"What happened?" he asks nervously.

"Her water broke, and she's in labor. She can't stand up and the ambulance is coming." I tell him.

"Should I come?" Niall asks nervously.

"Be here tomorrow. She's probably going to have the baby today." I tell him.

"I'll be there." he says, hanging up the phone.

"He'll be here tomorrow Lyndsey." I tell her "You're in labor. You're going to have the twins." She shakes her head.

"It hurts, I can't do that." she says.

"Doctors are on their way and they're going to tell you to do whatever is right for the baby." I say. The doorbell rings and I run to answer it.

"Where is she?" the doctors and nurses ask.

"In her bedroom." I lead them there. They check her out while I should her hand.

"The head is right there." the doctor says. "You're having a home birth."

"No!" Lyndsey screams.

"Do it for the baby." I tell her. They lift her up onto the bed and prop her up with pillows. They bring their medical instruments into the bedroom and act like it's a hospital. I take out my phone to video tape. Niall will want to see this later. I hold Lyndsey's hand with my free one.


"Push!" they scream. I push as hard as I can and start crying.

"That's good Lyndsey. Keep pushing." Anne says. She's videotaping so Niall can see later.

"Hurts like shit." I say.

"I know." she says as I dig my long nails into her skin. She doesn't even flinch.

"Keep pushing!" the doctors say. Soon, the first baby is out.

"It's Anastasia." Anne tells me. They tell me to keep pushing, and soon Aiden is out. As soon as they babies are born, they're whisked off into the side room of the bedroom, where they will be sleeping for the first two months. I'm still crying and I throw up a few times. The twins are washed off and placed in special baby cribs. Then, they're taken to the hospital so they can make sure the babies are safe. I look at Anne. Something isn't right.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Aiden didn't cry." she says. "He is breathing fine, but there might be something wrong with him."

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