7| It Ain't My Fault

Começar do início

"Then there's Beatrice, you saw her at my job, she's the sweeter one out of all of us. I highkey think that if she had it her way, she'd be the one planning out my entire life." I chuckled, remembering when we first started as interns and she would plan out everything to the T.

"She seems nice." He hummed softly with a smile on his face. I didn't notice he was looking at me until we made direct eye contact.

"She is, and she's single. So if you have any friends, please pass her one so she can leave me and my life alone."


"There's Vanessa and Lauren. They don't play around at all." I shook my head and ran my hands across my bun. "Both of them went to jail before... they both showed up to a club and beat the shit out of Lauren's old boyfriend... and his side chick."

"Damn," He chuckled "how bad was it?"

"Lauren broke the girl's nose, while Vanessa scratched Lauren's ex's car from front to back... with a pocket knife. So they have restraining orders... They're true ride or die bitches, man."

"Mmm, and what about you?" He smirked.

"What about me?"

"Are you a ride or die?"

"For the right person," I said truthfully. I wasn't about to put myself on the line for just anybody so that the both of us could be in jail mad as fuck.

I heard him mumble again about keeping that in mind before he stood up from the bed and looked at the time.

"Might wanna get ready, are you drinking tonight by the way?" He called before turning to leave out my room.

"It depends, I don't drink every time I go out. Just to relax when I need it ... why?"

"Just keeping a heads up incase we end up fucking again." He teased before showing every tooth in his mouth.

I rolled my eyes and groaned.

"Stop. It was once, won't happen again."

"We'll see, baby girl. We'll see."

I closed my door and decided to hurry up and get dressed so that I wouldn't keep anyone waiting for a long period of time.

In one of the bags that Beatrice helped me pack, I noticed a pair black cut out bottoms and a black top to match it. I wasn't feeling a dress today, plus I didn't know my surroundings enough to know if I was going to need to go in with a dress on or not.

 I wasn't feeling a dress today, plus I didn't know my surroundings enough to know if I was going to need to go in with a dress on or not

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I threw on my heels and decided to put on some light makeup when I noticed my phone was vibrating.

"Hi, Miora." I smiled softly and tried to adjust the straps on my heels.

"Hello, beautiful. How's it going?" I heard her looking through something that sounded like papers, and others talking.

"It's," I stopped and looked through my door when I heard Justin singing to himself. He was doing it ever since we got back to the hotel, telling me it's something he wants to add to his new album. "It's going pretty well. He's a flirt like any other guy, but he's about his work for sure."

don't | justin  *postponed*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora