Chapter 10

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"I'm sorry Skyla.." I threw it in her face and she sat up abruptly, dazed and confused at first but still so hurt. She looked down at herself, I had thrown that water a little bit too much. She was shivering, and crying. I hugged her and she snuggled into my jumper. I took it off, I had a vest top on, and I put it on her. She snuggled into it, still crying slightly. She lay on me and I watched her until she slept. I felt like her bodyguard, but it hurt me so much to see her like this. What she'd been screeching..I couldn't bear it. Who had broken her into so many pieces like this, and why had they taken some of her pieces with them?



I woke up and felt a warm body next to me. The nightmares hit me immediately like a light on a hangover, the tears rolled down my cheeks. I pulled my knees under my chin and hugged them. I looked at the body, it was Daniel. Why was he here? Oh..I remembered. He was so sweet, but I could never be with him. I'd be holding him back from a normal, problem-free beautiful girl that he deserved. I was damaged, if he knew the truth...a chilling shiver ran down my spine. He could never know. 

Your worthless

The voice. The familiar, cold voice. It sent shivers through my whole body, made me feel pathetic and worthless. I pulled the duvet up around me, my hands over my ears. He's not here, he's not here, he's not here...

I'm coming for you..

Daniel pulled the duvet covers. I got up, despite my worries, and padded to the kitchen. I poured a glass of water, and drank it constantly looking around me nervously, I felt a wet splash on my chest and looked down to see my hand shaking with the glass so much that it had spilled over. I put the glass down shakily. My stomach rumbled, among all of the chatter last night nobody noticed that I had barely eaten anything. I guess I could grab a yogurt or something..

I opened the fridge, and the smell of food and beer was overwhelming. The fridge was literally overflowing, with food piled on top of each other higgeldy piggeldy. It was like a tower, if one piece was taken out the whole thing would fall apart. I saw some bacon, I could just heat it up and eat it.

No. Too many calories, so much fat. 

I slammed the fridge door shut. How long had it been since I'd eaten? Eight hours? I looked at the clock. It was 5 O'clock in the morning. Shit, I was too late. I ran to the bathroom, and I slammed the door and slid to the ground crying. I could feel his hands all over me. It was just a dream. Even so. I looked at the toilet longingly, too too late. I slid off my pyjamas and stepped into the shower, and screamed slightly when the chilling water sprayed m body, but I was soon soothed when it turned to hot water. I rinsed my body and my hair, ridding myself of everything. It felt soothing. I washed my hair and my body, and then I washed my body again to be careful. My hands went to my breasts, my round belly, my fat thighs, my saggy bottom. Too fat. I stepped out of the shower, and the mirror was thankfully steamed over. I put my hair up in a towel, and I also grabbed my glasses from the cupboard, contact lenses were too much effort right now. I wrapped a towel myself and hobbled back to my bedroom. It was so much easier not to use crutches. I went to my wardrobe and got out some clothes, not bothering what, and made sure that Daniel was asleep, before dropping the towel and putting the clothes on. I freed my hair from the towel, not caring how wet it was. I brushed it out and then stared into my mirror. My jeans were baggy, yet they looked so tight in the mirror. The hoodie was loose, but I could still see my belly. 

I reached for my phone that was on the desk, and I called Talia. I know that it was early, very early, but she would answer anytime. After 4 rings she picked up cheerily, yet sleepily.

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