Chapter One

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Hey everyone! I have decided to start a new story, as I thought this up. I know I have my one shots story up and don't worry I will be working on that as well. I hope you enjoy it!




Chapter One


/Eva's POV/

I was lying on my bed flipping through a music magazine as my stereo softly played my favourite song, "Look after you" by The Fray that my friend Louis told me about. Suddenly there was a chiming sound, signifying that Lou had signed in, my friend who I had met through my music blog. I rushed over to my desk and opened my laptop, just as he sent me a message.

LouisT just logged in

LouisT: Hey babe

I smiled at the word babe. I don't have many friends since at school I am on my own listening to music, so Lou makes me feel special.

Eva-Babe: Hey Lou! Been a while since we last talked!

LouisT: I know, sorry for that have been a bit busy. The time difference doesn't help either. :P

Louis lives in England, while I live in Australia. He is also a musician so he travels around a lot. He has never really told me much about his music, just that I wouldn't have heard of them since they have only just started out properly.

We met around six months ago, when he sent me a message after he read my blog. From then we swapped email addresses and talk as much as we can, but lately he has become more busy and we haven't talked as much. I really missed him most days.

As I was thinking he sent me another message.

LouisT: Oh and Eva I have the best news!

My mind started running through the possibilities. Maybe he got a big gig, or a record deal? Maybe they have an album out soon or there first single?

Eva-Babe: Oh really?!? What is it?

LouisT: The news is.... *drum roll*

I wait excitedly for the news. Lou did this a lot, stalling to get on my nerves.

LouisT: My band is coming to Australia for a month! We can meet face to face!

EEEEP! I start to do a little happy dance around my room, excited to put a face on my best friend of six months. Once I sat back down, I started to type a reply.

Eva-Babe: That is great! I am so excited, when are you landing?

LouisT: I am landing tomorrow. How about we meet the week after, since I will be busy and you can show me around?

Eva-Babe: That sounds great! Looking forward to meeting you properly.

LouisT: I bet you are as gorgeous as I imagine you are ;)

Even though he couldn't see, I blushed. I wasn't what people would call ugly, I am quite pretty but there are so many stunning girls out in the world that I could never compare to.

I have a tall, slim figure and blonde hair that reaches the middle of my back and is in big ringlets, as well as stormy grey eyes and small pink lips. My skin is pretty tanned as I live in Australia and like to spend time in the sun. My favourite feature is my eyes as they tend to change colour depending on my mood.

Louis and I talked for a while until Louis had to leave to do something to do with his band. I then realised it was close to 10 o'clock and but luckily I had no work tomorrow, so I laid in my bed thinking about Louis' visit. I smiled to myself and then fell into a peaceful sleep.





Will update again soon!

Look after you (A One Direction Fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now