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~Time Skip after running deep into the forest~

I sat their crying into my knees wanting to keep moving but my legs had been aching at the moment and i was worn out.

"Hmm whats a girl like you doing out here alone?" A males voice questioned.

I slowly lifted my head to see a tall man with green eyes covered by glasses and a black suit carrying a staff of some sort." W-who are you?" I asked tears still falling.

He sighed kneeling down to me," My names William T. Spears and may i ask who you are?" He questioned.

"Im Kiyomi....." I said softly looking away from his gaze.

He then grabed my chin turning my head to face him my eyes then met his," what are you doing out here alone?" He repeated the same question from earlier.

"Im sorry to say but its nun of your bussiness." I said bravly.

He sighed once more standing up," I see, then it looks like i cant help you." He said turning his back towards me walking off.

"W-wait what do mean by 'help'?" I stopped him.

He turned his head back to me," Well i would have been able to direct you back home." He said.

"I dont want to go back home, t-take me with you!" I said.

"Y-you want to go with me?" He questioned.

"Yes anywhere except back to my drunk father please." I begged him.

He sighed," This will be more over time." He muttered." I guess you could come along but if you make one peep about where were going and how we got there to anyone im sending you right back to where you belong." He said sternly.

I nod my head standing up running towards Will. "Thank you." I spoke my face holding a soft smile.

"Your welcome." He said looking straight ahead."Stop." He said placing a hand in front of me making me jerk back.

"W-what?" I questioned.

"I can sense you demons, come out." He yelled searching through the trees.

"D-demons!?" I asked a little afraid.

"Yes now i suggest you stay behind me unless you want trouble your way." He said ajusting his glasses with his staff like thing.

"Well well, if it isn't Mr. Spears the "great" grim reaper." A raven haired man spoke glaring at me with his red orbs.

I gave wide eyes looking up at William," Y-your a grim reaper?" I asked backing up a few steps before something firmly placed a hand on the back of my shoulder. I then suddenly jerkerd forward looking back to see who it was. A man with golden eyes hidden by his glasses gave me a smirk before saying," My my, looks like a tasty soul has accompined you this time." He looked over to William," You should share her with us, unless that is your going to reap her soul, what a shame that would be wasting such a good soul as hers." He said.

"Im sorry to spoil the moment for you two, but im sure she wishes not to have filthy demons as yourselfs placing your grimmy hands on her." He said grabbing my wrist pulling me towards him guarding me from the two demons.

The demon with red eyes sighed looking over to the other as if signaling something." I see, Claude." He said running towards William in a inhuman speed, William then threw me towards the side making sure i wouldnt feel the impact of what was to come next.

The other demon so called Claude gave me a evil smirk slowly walking towards me. I then walked backwards tripping over myself falling to the ground soon crawling after words. He then gave off a dark chuckle," How stupid can you be." He said still walking towards me.

A rush of anger made its way towards me. A damn demon has the courage to call me stupid, I thought.

After being caught in my thoughts i didnt notice the tree behind me which i then hit not having anywhere else to run to, William was to busy with the other demon and here i am unable to fend for myself.

~Authors Note~

What will happen next?! Lol sorry if that's not how William or Sebby or Claude would act I just had a feeling that they would somewhat act that way..... I'm not sure, but hope you enjoyed!

A Day Of A New BeginningTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon