제38장 (CH.38)

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After an hour they waited, the doctor came.
" Are you Jiyoon's parents?? "
He asked Yoongi.

" Yeah its me. Why? Is she okay? "

" Yes she is okay, but.. "

" But what?! "

" She still not awake. We already sewed her injury part of her head. Luckily, she fall at lower place not high. She might lost her memories "

" Can we visit her? "

" Yes "

" Uh thank you doctor. Thank you "
Yoongi felt a relief.

While Jimin..

He was silently crying.

Yoongi brought Jimin to the room.

" Babe, she's okay "

" Is this my fault?? I only watch her from a far! I don't play with her and care for her! "

" No baby..not your fault "

" Jiyoon-ah.. I'm sorry "
Jimin held Jiyoon's tiny hand.

3 hours after that.

" Appa "
Finally, Jiyoon woke up.

" Baby! Are you okay now? "
Jimin held Jiyoon hand and put in on his face as his tears out.

" A-appa d-don't c-cry... J-jiyoon o-okay... "
Jiyoon spoke weakly.

" I'm sorry princess. Appa is sorry "

"...i'm sorry "
Jimin cried.

" She is okay Jimin..this is not your fault "
Yoongi spoke up from the back.

" thish ish nat appa fault "
( " this is not appa('s) fault " )
Jiyoon smile a little.

●[next morning]●

Jiyoon went out from Hospital. Her head have a bandage to cover his stitches.

At car, Jiyoon was eating an ice cream (she force Yoongi to buy it for her) and her mouth was painted with a chocolate ice cream.

Jimin noticed when he turn to the back checking for Jiyoon.

" Aigoo your mouth is dirty Jiyoon-ah "

" Here, wipe your mouth "
Jimin gave Jiyoon a piece of wet tissue.

So, Jiyoon wiping her mouth in a cute way. Ya know, kids..just imagine how lol.

" Min appa "
Jiyoon gave the tissue back.

" There's rubbish bin at your right bottom "
Jimin pointed the small rubbish bin.

" No! Appa throw it for Jiyoon "

" Why appa??? "

" Woo tach firstffs, mush throwf "
( " Who touch first, must throw " )

" eh??? Where you learn that? "

Yoongi who drove the car just laughing on his daugther speech.
She's cute - he thought.

" Just throw it Jimin hahahah "
Yoongi laughed. So do Jiyoon.

" Anyway babe, you forget something "
Yoongi whispered.

" What? "

Yoongi just smirked.

ㅠ.ㅠ how was it???

Ikr ikr ikr ikr ikr
This story getting bored!


I'm listening to I.O.I very very very rn hahahaha.
Tbh, its annoying.

1 My Baby, CHIM ¦ m.yg p.jm #Wattys2017Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang