Chapter 2

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Running into that dude made me later than I already am, but he was cute he had dark grey eyes, white completion, semi muscular build, black hair that he had slicked back. Yea he was cute, but a total butt. I ran to my school, Forestwood university, I made it right before they locked the gates I smiled knowing I made it.

"Brittany late again. " said one of the administratives I was close to. I rubbed the back off my neck and looked down. He sighed ands wrote me a excused pass.

"Don't get use to that. " I smiled big and took off to class . Forestwood is one of the top colleges in the world and I was blessed to get in because of my perfect grades and amazing go to attitude, but this school isn't what it seems it's a mixture of supernatural and humans and has secret classes for certain major job such as hunter 101 this school is amazing vampires, werewolves, fairies ands so on able to work together without hiding. I smiled doing my work for freshman experience . I was always looked at as a nerd, dork, dweeb, weirdo, freak, and so many other things growing up, but I think that's what made me become so successful so look at me now bullies it's easy to let them get to you, but more rewarding if you use them as your stepping stones in life. 4.0 GPA and perfect attendance record what more could you ask for. Suddenly I get a stack of paper dropped on my desk by my teacher Mr . Johnson.

"Take one pass it down. Before y'all ask what this is it's a list of all the clubs and sororities around campus and your project is to join at least one and this will be 50 % of your grade. " I could feel my soul leaving my body. Why this? Why now?

"WHYYYY !?" everybody look at me. Oh man did I just scream that out loud.

"Well Brittany college is not just about intelligence it's about getting out talking to the students the world's is a much harder pave without being social so a club will help to that and add to your already long and impressive lost of accomplishments." Well when he puts it like that it doesn't sound as bad, but still sucks. Soon class ended and I read through the pages of clubs.

"Let's set Basketball club, football club, soccer club, gaming club, anime club. Hm those might be fun. Host club, fight club.....wait host club they got one of those here." I thought about it.

"Well I'm a girl it's not bad that I just want to see how good the male student body is and their bodies I giggled to myself and went to room 69 A-B.The windows were covered so I couldn't see in so I gentle pushed on the door and it was stuck so I pushed harder now irritated I backed up and went to ram the door when it opened I barely missed a vase that was in front of me. I'm not gonna be like 'OHSHC'. I got my footing there were 2 sexy men standing by me one sitting at a table and the other at a throne he had smirked looking at me. The two standing by me were at least 5'11 one had black hair the other had brown one sitting at the table I couldn't really see how tall he was but he had a slender figure with blue eyes abs the one sitting in a throne like chair had a nice build I could tell by how the suit fit him, but he was also that arrogant bastard that made me late.

"Why I wild have never guessed a little nerd like you would come to a place like this." I turned around ignoring that prick but the two had shut and locked the door. What the heck.

"Please stay. sit." Said the dude from the throne. The neck thing I know we both were sitting at the same table.

"The one with black hair name is hunter, the one with brown hair is Tristan, the one with blue eyes sitting over there is justin and I am Chris, but you may know me as bastard your name please." I glared at him and then softened my look massive he's actually nice and I just caught him at the wrong time earlier.

"My name is um...Brittany. " He smiled. And kissed my hand making me blush. He smirked scooting his chair closer to mine. He removed my glasses.

"You know you look so much better without them. " I could feel the hairs on the ball of my neck rising as he smiled at me. He kissed me my eyes got wide, but eventually closed as his kissed sucked me in I could feel his tongue pushing for entrance to my mouth and I allowed it and teasingly bit his tongue he pulled me to his lap I grinder on his hips. What was I doing? I ripped his shirt open. And separated my lips from his and started making hickies on his chest he bit his lip I kissed up his body back to his lips we looked into each other eyes for a while he grabbed the back of my head and started kissing me again. This time I pulled back and got off his lap. He stood up and I tripped him on the floor and got on top of him he liked shocked and so did the others. ...oh shit I forgot people were in here. I jumped up.

"Omg I'm so sorry. " I ran out.

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