Three months later part two

Start from the beginning

I nodded and followed him to our bed room to find our infant son crying out for his father.

"Oh what's wrong Baby Boy?" Kanan cooed picking him up from the crib.

The child whimpered his tiny hands clawing for something to grab onto.

"Here Baby," Kanan said giving him one of his large fingers.

Ezra immediately went to stick it in his mouth and Kanan pulled it back.

"Of course," he whispered taking the child's chin and gently pulling it down. "There it is."

"What is it?" I asked.

"His first tooth, poor thing screamed for a week when this sucker came. I'm guessing it's gonna hurt just as bad this time around," Kanan said moving Ezra so he was cradled against his chest.

Ezra cried out again tears starting to fall from his eyes.

"Oh, oh, oh, Ezra, yeah sh..., don't cry Baby yeah. Hera his pacifier is in the nightstand," he said not taking his eyes off the child.

I went and got it and gave it to Kanan, who chuckled in amusement as the baby began to suck noisily on it.

"Did he always do that?" I asked watching him.

"Yeah," Kanan smiled before going over to the bed and sitting down.

I was about to ask him what he was doing when he began to hum.

"Lothcat, Lothcat, in the sky, bright as my baby's eye. Love and laughter ringing free. Joy and glee jubilee. Watch and see, Empire's defeat. Loth cat, Lothcat, watch and see."

I stared wide eyed at Kanan.

Kanan POV

I knew Hera was about to ask where that came from.

"I always sang to him and this was his favorite."

I looked down and sure enough the boy was asleep once again.

"No matter what age Ezra is, he will always be a Daddy's boy, your boy," Hera said kissing my cheek and bending down and kissed Ezra's forehead before walking out.

I watched her go and turned back to the child in my arms. Leaning back I laid Ezra on my chest and just watched him.

"Just like old times, huh EJ?"

He sighed around his pacifier.

"Yeah, except this time Janus isn't here to tell me I'm messing up. He isn't here to warn me to hide when the Empire comes checking."

I just hugged him closer.

"Oh Buddy, I love having you as a baby but I want my twelve year old back. I want to be able to know that you are capable of defending yourself. I know I get overprotective but it's because I love you so much. That's why I hate all of this military protocol nonsense. I just want to protect you and our family. I didn't sign up to fight beside soldiers and join their little army. I wanted to raise you properly and live peacefully. Then again if I hadn't joined with Hera then we wouldn't have experienced or grown like we have." I said kissing his tiny head head. 

Unknown to me, Hera was standing just outside of the door and heard everything.


It had been a solid month and Kanan was getting worried that his son was going to be stuck as a baby forever. Currently him and Hera was in the main ship going through a debriefing or at least Kanan was. He knew that he was getting some weird looks with Ezra in his arms but after this last mission he wanted nothing more than to hold his son tight and never let go.

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