He had never yelled at her before, he knew what it would have triggered inside her. In him.

Seeing the sadness in her eyes and the way her lip poked out involuntary and knowing that he was the cause of that, made Leonard feel like the most awful person in the world.

"Lisa..." He reached to touch his sister's shoulder but she she moved away.

"It's fine." She said boldly. "Don't tell me why you have the folder."

"Lisa, I'm sorr-"

"Didn't you say you had to meet up with some people tonight?" She cut him off.

He looked down at his watch.


He had 15 mintues left till the meeting.

"Yeah," He sighed. "Lisa, please let me make this up to you."

"I think you should go." Lisa said coldly.

Normally Leonard would've made a Snarky comment about her kicking him out of his house. But, now definitely wasn't the time for that.

Leonard nodded and left his apartment without another word.


Laurel, Dinah, and Sara were currently watching a movie.

Dinah in the armchair, Laurel in the loveseat, and Sara taking the biggest couch.

"I think I'm going to turn in." Dinah said getting up from her spot as soon as the end credits started strolling in.

"It's only 7:40," Sara scoffed.

"I know but I'm really tired, goodnight girls." Dinah said before closing her bedroom door.

"Goodnight." They said in unison.

Laurel waited 2 mintues before jumping on to the couch that Sara was on.

"How'd your date go?" Laurel said excitedly.

"Have you been waiting all day to get me alone to ask that?" Sara laughed.

"Maybe..." Laurel sat closer. "How'd it go?"

"It was good." Sara smiled.

"What's her name? Or his." Laurel clasped her hands together.

"His name is Leonard."

"Ugh, he sounds boring."

"I know!" Sara exclaimed loudly.

They both froze and stared at their mothers door expecting it to open and have her yell at them.

When it didn't, they both laughed and in the process Laurel rested her head on Sara's shoulder.

"But he's amazing." Sara confessed.

"Tell me more."

"His eyes are...wow, one second they could be green, than blue, than a hazel brown, and than green again." Sara explained. "His smirk, omg. When he smiles, it's like the whole world stops and all you want to do is admire him."

"Wow, he's got you hooked." Laurel teased. "How'd you meet?"

Sara rose her eyebrows, remembering their first encounter.

"Well, at first it was at jitters, than I made a new friend in one of my classes, Lisa, which had also turned out to be his sister, and than we all hung out that night and things have went from their."

"I want to meet him," Laurel looked at her sister.

"Wait, why?"

"The way you describe him, Sara. I want to see this eye candy for myself." Laurel joked.

They laughed until Sara had gathered up enough air to speak.

"Okay, fine. But only if you never say 'eye candy' ever again."

"Promise." Laurel said finishing up her laughter.

"How're things in Starling?" Sara quickly regretted asking.

"They're...scary," Laurel confessed. "It's like we can't tell who the good guys are anymore."

Sara frowned about hearing that of her hometown.

"But I'm sure dad's trying his best." Laurel said trying to cheer her up.

Sara gave a, obviously fake, smile.

"I'm sorry about the whole Nyssa and Oliver situation." Sara tried.

"It's not your fault, we both got hurt."

Sara nodded to herself.

"I'm going to bed." Sara quickly stood.

"Go ahead, I'll just sleep here." Laurel pouted from her spot on the couch.

"Oh shut up and just come on." Sara threw the throw pillow at her.

Laurel laughed and went to bed with her sister.

Leonard and Lisa's 'fight' has me going crazy right now. I wasn't even planning on that. I wasn't planning on any fighting yet but I was trying to make it more interesting and now I don't know how to fix it. 😂😰 I'll admit, when I'm writing the sister bonding parts with Sara and Laurel, it makes me sad. 😥 Thanks for reading btw! 😘

P.S. Yes, I made Leonard have Wentworth's middle name. 😂

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