Chapter 5

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I dried my hair with the towel, when I finished I wrapped it around my body and walked to my bedroom. Stacy stood on my floor with her towel wrapped around her body like mine. Her hair was in dark clumps that dripped down her bare back. She did not dry her hair near as much as I did.

Stacy held her towel with one hand and the other picked up the dress. She examined it making weird faces at it like it was cafeteria food or something.

I snickered "What's wrong Stacy?"

"What the heck?" she said as she attempted to put it over her body. "Do I really have to wear this?" She asked, her eyes pleaded for mercy.

"Of course u do!" I said as I slipped my dress over my head and yanked it over my butt.

Then I walked over to Stacy and said "Put ur arms up princess."

I had to get in my tip toes to reach her fingertips, place them in the arm wholes, and slide the dress over her head. Then I pulled it over her breasts and panties. I examined her to make sure it fit right, or close. She was probably 10 sizes smaller then me, but this dress was old. I never wore it anymore. She looked great in a dress.

"Spin around" I said playfully with a smile growing on my face.

She sighed and did a quick turn. "There." she said annoyed "Can we go now?"

My smile grew from ear to ear as she stood there. And her cheeks turned rosy red.

"Why do u keep staring at me like that?" She said smiling now

"You look so cute" I said taking my eyes off the dress and staring into her eyes.

Then I glanced at the clock. 2:00. We were not going to get any thing done today.

"Its 2:00 we better get going" I said grabbing 20 bucks and her hand. I started pulling her out the door and locked it behind me.

We walked and talked like friends did around here. No one would know the dirty things that happened only hours before.

We got about a block from my house and her hand hit mine. I looked at it for a few seconds. Then I built up the courage and slipped my hand into hers softly. She looked at our hands and gave me a loving squeeze. Butterflies filled my stomach and I felt my cheeks burn with embarrassment.

Before I knew it we were at the grocery store.

"What do you want to eat today and tomorrow?" I asked

"I don't care" she said

"Me neither" I replied

Then it was silent as we stood there, holding hands.

"How about noodles? And Chicken? Sound good?" I offered.

"Sounds perfect" she said I could tell what I had just said went in one ear and out the other. I could have just told her I was going to shoot her and she would have said the same thing. She is so cute.

I guided her around the store gathering things we would need and at the end making sure it was under 20 bucks. It was so easy for me to do the quick math in my head.

"The total including tax would be 15.87." I said

"How do you know that?" she said

"I added it all up and added six cents for every dollar." I said quickly without thought.

"How did u do that so fast?" she said with a confused look on her face.

"I don't know. I'm just good at math I guess." I said as I placed everything on the counter for the cashier.

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