Chapter Two

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Chapter Two:

I awoke next to an empty space, a sense of loneliness, and a huge amount of regret. The autumn sun beamed through my open windows, decorating my bedroom with a cold, yellow glow. Pretty for some, but for those who had experienced a great night out it was a massive headache, in the literal sense.

My head pounded and my eyes burned by its rays daring to shine through, mocking me. A quick glance at my clock told me it was midday; Rosie had left two hours ago.

I let out a strangled groan, knowing that I wouldn't be able to fall back to sleep with the bright light. I rubbed my face, cringing at the oil that had escaped from my smudged makeup as it smeared over my hand.

Compelled by my greasiness and exhaustion, I headed to the bathroom, tripping over some objects probably pushed over by Rosie's haste to leave for work. The cold water from the tap jolted me awake, and I welcomed the fresh taste of mint to invade the morning breath in my mouth. As much as I wanted to shower, my body ached and I just couldn't be bothered – to put it bluntly.

I stripped off my black dress, throwing it into the laundry basket and put on some deodorant to at least attempt to smell a little bit better than what I did. I brushed through my tangled hair before piling the deep blue curls on the top of my head in a bun. Loose strands fell and shaped my oval face, but I brushed them behind my ear and headed back to the bedroom.

Hunting through my wardrobe, I pulled out some jogging bottoms and an oversized, black jumper that fell from my shoulders. I was the Queen of Laziness, when it came down to it. Despite the sun that breezed itself in, there was a coldness that filled the flat; a reminder that summer was over, and winter would be setting in soon.

It was my favourite time of the year, with Halloween approaching and the leaves turning to beautiful reds, oranges and yellows. Even though it was cold, autumn had a warmth to it; a phenomenal beauty to it; a gracefulness to it.

My next adventure was to make coffee. I drank it each morning religiously, especially after a night out. The small kitchen/diner only provided me with basic space, enough for me to fumble around without knocking into things. My clumsiness was often the devil sometimes.

A note on the granite worktop caught my eye, written in scribbled handwriting: Gone to work, didn't want to wake you, love you.

My heart skipped a beat at Rosie's note, the thoughtfulness of it and the care. Yet, there was one line that replayed in my head: "I didn't mean to."

"She doesn't mean to do a lot of things, Lark. In her state, she probably just meant breaking your jelly soap," I told myself as I flicked the kettle on. Rosie had already poured water in from her morning coffee, leaving just enough for me.

I took down a mug from the metal holder: 'Chip' from Beauty and the Beast. Rosie had bought it for me on my 21st birthday.

Beauty and the Beast was, by far, my favourite Disney musical. Nothing beats the classics. I took the coffee and sugar from the cupboard, the milk from the fridge, pouring them into the mug, along with the water once it had boiled.

My feet froze on the tiles, and the cold shot through my soles with each step as I scurried to the living room before my toes turned to ice.

Placing the mug on the glass coffee table and welcoming the warmth of the carpet on my bare feet, I collapsed on the sofa and turned the TV on. I ignored the crap Sunday afternoon shows, turning my attention to my phone which had been buzzing on the sofa throughout the night.I dialled my mum's number immediately, fulfilling the constant worry that incessantly nagged me. It rang twice before she picked up.

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