Chapter 35 - One thing turns to another

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*Ashley's POV*

Me and Harry broke. We extremely broke. I mean deadly crying.

Why her?

Why couldn't it be me...?

It WILL be me.

'Dear god, please take me instead of her. Pl-' my praying was cut off my a familiar voice..

"Shut up. I have to see my fiancé & best friend." The voice said.



Harry looked at me, his eyes filling with joy.

"But, ma'am you just literally died for 20 minutes. You need rest!" The nurse shouted.

"I'll get rest in 5 minutes. Hold on." She said, stomping her feet.

As my best friend appeared through the doorway, Harry got to her first.

Running & crying, crying tears of joy.

"I thought you were gone!" He shouted.

She pecked his lips, and said, "I could NEVER leave you both like this."

I ran to her, embraced her into a tight hug.

"I'm so happy you're alive." I said.

"I am too. But, there's no baby in my belly?" She said.

"They had to cut it out. She was also to young to live. I'm so sorry hun. You and Harry can have another?" I halfway said, and asked.

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