The stars are burning bright [jacob black story 10]

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We all pilled out of the truck and walked towards the small sandwich shop. This wasn't exactly my first choice...but we were in La Push.... It was already two and we hadn't eaten lunch yet--we were starved. "Shhhhhiiiitttt," groaned Jacob, holding his hands on his stomach. "I'm going to die of hunger."

"Hopefully..." I muttered. He glanced over at me and smirked. I quickly shut my mouth. That was the first thing I'd said to him since the incident at the mall. He kept giving me quick glanced, but he hadn't really said anything to me--not like Tasha was letting him. She kept bombarding him with questions--it was ridiculous.

I thought of his lips on mine and his hands running up and down my back...

Why did we keep doing things like that?

We didn't like each other. We despised each other. I remembered finding Jacob standing outside of the store like nothing happened, he looked completely normal-like we hadn't just done anything. How the hell did he get out there so fast? And why did he keep doing this to me? Why did he keep messing with my head like this?

We walked into the restaurant, which smelled strongly of pickles and cheese. I coughed loudly and Jacob inhaled deeply, "Mmmm," he said, breathing out. "It smells so good."

I looked at Tasha who shrugged her shoulders at me. "Yeah, it does." She added, putting her arm through his, so that they were intertwined. I narrowed my eyebrows at her and crossed my arms. What was she doing? Jacob looked at me quickly and noticed I was obviously mad-he chuckled a little.

I quickly uncrossed my arms and looked at the floor.

"What's so funny?" questioned Tasha, batting her long eye lashes at him. Which were obviously fake.

I shook my head quickly. What was I doing? Tasha is my best friend. I shouldn't be thinking these mean things about her. I glanced at Jacob and her, who were chatting about something, their arms linked together as we waited in line. Ugh. How could she be so oblivious? I crossed my arms over my chest again.

But you told her that you didn't like him. You said you were like brother and sister... my conscience seemed like it was yelling in my ear. Why the hell did I say that? I should have just told her the truth...

But, what was the truth? Did I actually like...

"Teg?" yelled Tasha's voice, pulling me back into reality. I snapped my attention towards her, I hadn't noticed that we were at the front of the line.

I shook my head slightly. "Um, oh. I'll just get the tuna sandwich."

"Ew," commented Jacob, wrinkling his nose. I ignored him. "And a Diet Coke."

The cashier nodded, "Okay. That'll be $15.35." Jacob nodded and pulled out his wallet. Which was kind of thick.

"Here," he handed the cashier the money.

"No," I protested, pulling out a wad of cash from my purse. "I can pay for my own."

Jacob looked at me strangely. "Just go sit down."

"Jacob, seriously. I'll pay for it-"

"Tegan, shut up." He said, handing the cashier the money quickly. "It's fine." I crossed my arms.


He turned around and looked at me, "You don't always have to make everything such a big deal."

I narrowed my eyebrows, "I do not." He laughed a little. "Yeah. You do."

I tried to think of think of something to say in reply, but I just opened my mouth and stood there. I bet I looked completely crazy. "Just go sit down." Said Jacob coolly, leaning against the counter. "I'll get the food."

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