White Lies

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I walked out of my second last class for the day. It's been about three weeks since I've came to this new school and met Seth. We've become extremely close. Even thought he's gotten me grounded twice for staying out without telling Scott where I was. It was a Thursday which meant my last period was English. I'll have to see Danielle again. She's getting on my nerves. She thinks she's top notch when she just looks like a fool to anyone that can see past her fakeness. I know that's not a word but it's the best way I can describe it.

When I gathered everything I needed for English, someone hugged me from behind. "See you after school?" Seth asked. I shook my head.

"Sorry, I'm grounded." I smirked. "All because of you!" I laughed. He frowned.

"Nah bro, I'm not to blame for this!" We laughed together, even if it wasn't that funny.

"Bye kid!" I waved to him as I walked to my last class.

"You're late," Miss Liles frowned. I mumbled a sorry and she told me not to let it happen again. I sat in an empty seat next to Liam, one of the few friends I've made the past three weeks. The only friend that I've made that was a girl is in my cooking class which I have once a week. She's in all the really smart classes while I'm in average and... Basically the dumb classes even though they say below average.

"Today class, we will be having more of a chill lesson. You'll need to get into groups of 3 or 5. Girls and boys can't be in the same group." A few kids groaned including me.

Once she explained what we were doing, which was basically a poster about nouns, adjectives, pronouns, etc, I stayed with boys since I have no other friends but it didn't take long for the teacher to find out and basically drag me to a group of girls I've never even talked to before.

"So, you're the new girl?" A girl with bleach blonde, straight hair asked. I nodded. "Do you know how to talk?" She accused.

"Sorry, didn't realise I offended you so much." I rolled my eyes at hair.

She decided to ignore my comment. "Why do you hang with Seth?" She asked.

"Uh, because there's no law saying I can't. Plus he's the first person that talked to me when I got to this school."

"I wonder why," she murmured. I don't even know this girls name.

"Maybe because he's a nice person and he actually cares about me." I snickered back.

"You know Luke?" She asked. I nodded, hoping that would get to her but she didn't seem to notice. Luke was one of sets many friends. "Well he's my boyfriend. Apparently Seth told him that he is just putting up an act to like you, then take advantage of you, then leave. He does it to most girls." I sighed.

"Well he says I'm not like most girls." I looked down, kind of feeling sad.

"I'm just warning you. Don't let him play you, ok?" She sounded like my mother. I nodded, this time not on purpose.

The bell rang and I decided to walk straight home. I just needed to be alone. When I was a minute or two away from the school I heard Seth's voice calling after me. I looked behind me to see a sprinting Seth coming towards me. I decided to spring away but I wasn't quite as fast. He grabbed my upper arm forceful to turn around and looked at him but when I looked at the ground he lifter my chin up so I would look at him. I was so close to tears.

"What's wrong? You didn't even say goodbye." I didn't answer him. "Please Jodi."

"How long were you pretending to be my friend for?" I asked innocently. He looked at shocked. I got of his grasp I ran away from him.

I sprinted straight to my room when I got home and started crying into my pillow.

"Jodi, what's wrong?" I heard Scott ask. I just cried harder. "You're gonna make yourself sick." He worried. "Sit up." He ordered. I slowly did what he said. "Tell me what's wrong." I sighed.

"Can't I leave school early. I'm sure I don't need much education for having a full time job at maccas." I whined. He gave a weak smile.

"What's your reasons?"

"I just hate the people at school."

"Hate is a strong word you know."

"Yeah, that's why I used it." I smiled at myself.

"You have to tell exactly what's going on or I can't help." He frowned.

"Don't worry, it's okay. It's not that bad."

"I know you overreact about some things but for you to cry that badly, it must be bad." I shook my head.

"It's not! I'm overreacting." I stated.

"I know you're lying, but I won't punish you for it. If you decide to tell me what's wrong I can help fix it or give you advice. So I'll be downstairs if you want me." He gave me a kiss on the forehead and walked out my room.

I am overreacting right? I thought. Well of course I am, that girl could've been lying to me. But Seth could've too. Well, I don't know!!

Yeah, I know this is really bad but I hope it's okay for now. Took me a while to update though😂 This is unedited because I can't be bothered so yah✌🏽️

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