PHT 21: But nothing's routine

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For a few days, Cal moved through her treatment like a routine. She alternated doctors appointments, chemo, sleep, and friends’ visits; eating small meals, taking medicine,  and throwing most of it back up.

Chapter 21: But nothing’s routine

 Couldn’t anyone see that she was trying to sleep?! Cal was getting frustrated with everyone coming in her room every. single. minute!

“Oh, you’re awake!” She was then.
“Are you hungry?” No, she was tired.
“Are you feeling feverish?” She wasn’t when they asked 5 minutes before, and she wasn’t then.
“Time for your meds.”
“How are you feeling?”
“How are you feeling?”
“How are you feeling?” 

Finally, Cal had had enough.

“I’m fine, Cayden. I really am. I just want some rest. I can’t sleep at night, and no one will leave me alone.” Cal ranted to her brother, who just happened to be the person in her room when she lost her cool.

She followed him as he left and shut and locked her door behind him. She turned up her ipod’s speakers to drown out any voices from outside, and finally managed to fall asleep. It felt amazing, but as usual, it only lasted for a couple of hours.

Then she woke up, and found that she had missed several calls from her family and Matt. “I’m awake now,” she texted Matt, knowing from his earlier text that he was downstairs and knowing that he would spread the exciting news to everyone.

Cal stood up and unlocked her door, and barely made it back to her bed before Cameron and Matt both appeared. She already missed Cayden; he had started tutoring people for extra cash and he was rarely home anymore. Still 3 was enough of a crowd.

Both Matt and Cam tried to sit on the end of her bed, but after an angry look from her brother, matt moved to a nearby chair.

“My uno cards are in that chair, Matt, if ya’ll wanna play. You’re sitting on them. I think.”

Out of the corner of her eye, Cal saw Cameron’s outstretched arm coming towards her. She grabbed his wrist and bushed it away just before the back of his palm reached he forehead.

“Don’t do that again. Or get out.” Cal said sternly. She wanted Cameron to play cards with her, not act like a nurse. She also didn’t want him checking her for a fever, well, because she was feeling slightly feverish. But a fever meant they’d probably put her in the hospital, where she’d only be able to see her brothers and Matt for a few minutes at a time.

She didn’t feel that bad, she reasoned with herself. Just a few chills. So she ignored her symptoms and continued to beat the boys in three consecutive games of UNO.

She had become very good at card games lately, and UNO was one of her new favorites. Cameron had relaxed, so she had allowed him to stay. Even though he and Matt cheated to work against Cal, they couldn’t beat her.

Matt said goodbye so he could go home and finish his homework; Sunday night meant school the next day. It meant the same thing for Cameron. So Cal shooed him out as well; she followed behind him to lock her door. She was feeling icky again and didn’t want anymore bothering her. Then she wondered to herself why she had never thought about locking her door days before. It kept people from disturbing her, and now she could fall asleep easier.

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