Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: This book is originally Cassandra Clare's, the only thing that is different is the main character and half the plot because this is the part where I have changed everything.

Heather just finished hanging up the phone, and was surprised that her mom had just walked in. Heather had been talking with her best friend Micheal or Mike. He had been asking her to go to the Pandemonium, a club for all ages to some free time. When they arrived to the Pandemonium, Heather saw a symbol that she had never seen before in her life. She got cautious and weary as they walked into the club. Heather was dancing when a young boy was staring at her. As the the young boy was looking around the Pandemonium, he saw a pretty girl with a long white dress. The girl beckoned him with her finger, telling him to walk after her. The girl walked into a hidden room, and the boy followed her. When then disappear through the door, Heather told Mike what she saw. When Mike couldn't see what she had seen, Heather went after the two young people, and told Mike to go get some security guards. When Heather got to the door she heard the young boy ask the girl what her name was, and the girl replied that her name was Isabelle. Heather had heard this name before, but before she could continue her thoughts, two people had walked right past her. Isabelle had tied the young boy with a bracelet that was exactly like the one I wasn't suppose to take off at anytime. Her mom had given it to her for her 12th birthday. Heather use to know how to work it, but she had forgotten over the years of not using it. Isabelle was talking to the people that had just walked past Heather. Which supposedly were named Jace and Clary. Heather was standing behind the door, but when she heard a lot of commotion she sneaked into the room. Jace and Clary standing together, holding hands, were preparing to kill the boy. Heather was devastated, and slipped into view yelling stop. Clary knew exactly how she felt, but Jace and the others didn't know. "Look Heather, we are trying to kill a demon, not a mundane - a word that means human for the shadowhunters," Clary explained. Heather stood confused, thinking how in the world Clary had known her name.

"How do..."

"I know your name. Simple, while everyone is sleeping I sneak out of the institute to see how you are. They always call you to bed when I get there, and I knew that you were exactly like me, when I saw the symbols were drawing," Clary interrupted.

"Clary, you sneak out of the institute to see Heather every night?" Jace asked.

"Yes Jace, since I noticed that she had started to draw the symbols I use to draw when the blocking spell was disappearing," Clary said cleary think that Jace would understand.

"Okay, so this is the next chosen one?" Jace asked.

"Yes," Clary clarified.

Clary looked down at her arm with the same serpent cuff that Isabelle and Heather had. She made it wrap around Heather, and pulled her closer. Heather trying to resist, soon found it impossible to untanlge from it. When Heather was close enough to Clary to see through her eyes, she lat her go. "Would you like me to show you how to use your serpent cuff? " Clary asked. Heather only nodded, and looked a Clary in the eyes. Jace was pulling out his seraph blade, and aimed at the demon, but it had broken loose. Clary used her stele to create the Vision rune - to freeze things or people in the air. The demon froze, and Jace ready with his seraph blade waited for the demon to unfreeze, so he could jab his blade throught the demon's heart killing it. Isabelle was trying to recover having been thrown into the wall. Alec, her brother ran right past Jace, and helped Clary pull Isabelle up to standing position. Just as the demon was about to unfreeze, Clary had made her serpent cuff wrap around the demon. When the demon was unfrozen, Jace was too slow to kill him, and the demon took the serpent cuff that was wrap around him, and flung Clary into the wall. Clary lay unconsciouson the floor. The demon was going after Heather, but she ran over to Isabelle, and Isabelle, who was now as good as new, wrapped her serpent cuff around Heather. She pulled her to the other side of the room, and untied her. The demon was come after them again, but Jace was prepared this time, and jammed the seraph blade into the demon's back. The demon shrunk until he disappeared from sight. When that was over, Jace ran over to Clary, and tried to wake her up with a rune, but it didn't work. Jace picked her up and told the others to leave. Heather stood there standing.

"What happened to her?" Heather asked.

"The demon threw into wall so hard that she's unconscious," Jace replied.

"Oh no," said Heather.

"I have to take her to the institute, but I need help. Can you come with me?" Jace asked.

"I am here with my best friend, and I won't leave him here alone," replied Heather trying to convince Jace to let Mike go with them.

"Okay, an extra hand with be useful. Does he know how to fight?" Jace asked.

"No, but he learns very fast," Heather answered.

Heather ran out looking for Mike, and saw him speaking to the security guards. Heather grabbed him, and appologized to the security guards telling them that Mike was needed, and that him was saying nonsense. They ran their way back into the room, and saw that Jace was trying to use the healing rune again. This time like last it didn't work. Clary was down for the count, so it took awhile to walk to the institute. As the world was beginning to get larger, they walked through the streets on their way to the institute.


I love the first book of the Mortal Instruments so far, and I've seen the movie. I will post the next chapter soon. Hope you like this chapter if you would please read Lily Evangeline Evelyn Potter, it's in my serenamalfoy account, and I will continue writing in it. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2013 ⏰

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